Rinad Minvaleeva weight loss method

 It's not even a diet, but a way of life!

1st day: eat normally: cereal, meat, fish, salads, eggs - everything you want in any form.
Do not overeat course 3-4 times a day as usual (only without flour and sweets - or a few, alcohol is not desirable) but very active in sports;
2nd day: eating as well as the first day. Rest of the sport;
3rd day: eat a little. It is advisable to only fruits, kefirchik. The smaller the better. Drink plenty of fluids.
4th day: the first one. etc. repeat for 3 days.

Diet continue (in cycles of 3 days) until not lose weight.

1. The body of the third day alone does not get used to the disadvantage of calories and eventually begins to gain weight. So if you have it before the holidays suddenly stop - the weight does not return dlzhen.
2. Very good condition, the body gets all that he needs for the first 2 days.
3. Sport promotes good shape. But do not exercise every day. Possible and on the second day in a little bit, in the 1st day of very intense.

3-4 three-day cycle is lost 3 kg. Try it!

Sports - best aerobics. Yes it does not matter - the main exercise!

!!! But every sensible person should understand that "eat properly" - this is not to overeat, and eat just to be comfortable in the stomach, but not a couple of spoonfuls.

Tags: weight loss method