Paul Bragg diet

 Those who are extremely difficult to follow a certain diet, fasting helps method Paul Bragg. At full fasting person receives only water, and sometimes vegetable unsweetened tea.

The method of fasting has many followers. Scientific studies have shown the benefits of fasting and found that weight loss of 20-25% does not lead to negative changes in organs and tissues.

Paul Bragg argues that in the complete cessation of food intake occurs sort of shake-up of the body, which wakes him hidden forces, mobilizing them to fight clogging the body. Fasting is a specific stimulus to which the body responds whole set of protective adaptive responses. Fasting has a great impact on the circulation. With an empty stomach and intestines do not create any obstacles to the circulation of the blood, thereby improving its structure.

Fasting should be performed 1 time per week. Duration of procedure - 24 hours (from dinner to dinner). After receiving a laxative or enema the evening in the morning it is necessary to brew and drink herbal tea (mint / thyme / oregano / parsley, etc. to taste).

It is better to plan for fasting quiet holiday and how to sleep.

Tags: diet Bragg