Madonna diet: how to lose weight the stars

 But the diet, which has developed a personal nutritionist Madonna Ray Kibartas. By the way, the weakness of the American singer - candy. From time to time Ray allows her to indulge them.

Under the heading Diet: Eastern diet

ButdietWhich has developed a personal nutritionist Madonna Ray Kibartas. By the way, the weakness of the American singer - candy. From time to time Ray allows her to indulge them. He was confident that constantly give up what requests soul impossible and dangerous - not stand the nervous system. For a week you probably work off shelves - however, provided that you will for half an hour a day doing aerobics, cycling or rollerblading.

The basic rules of diet Madonna:
- At breakfast, lunch and dinner, be sure to withstand the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the proportion of 30:30:40;
carbohydrates should be complex (greens, fruit), rather than starch (pasta, bread, potatoes, cereals);
fats are mandatory - they reduce hunger and give vivacity;
- To easily withstand the required ratio, remember: the amount of servings of protein should be the size of your fist, carbohydrates - twice. Cooking oils and dressings slightly;
- Forget about caffeine.

Menu from Madonna
Breakfast. Toast with two egg whites, one egg, apple, orange or peach.
lunch time. A piece of bread from wheat flour, turkey breast or chicken, mayonnaise.
Dinner. A serving of protein (fish, chicken, lean beef), lots of vegetables, a little pasta and baked potatoes half small.

Tags: diet, Madonna