Land as part of the diet

 You impressive enduring beauty Demi Moore, thank inexhaustible lover Frank Sinatra and intellectual power of Steven Spielberg? Then you are interested in and what connects these different from each other celebrities. They are united by a love of the land.

Always in good shape
Why all the Japanese nation in good physical shape? Why is the average life expectancy in this country is the highest (the male - 79 years, women - 86)? Why do Japanese women are considered the standard of beauty, and their soft skin and silky hair envy around the world? The answer is simple: the climate (mostly mild subtropical), the rhythm of life and, most importantly, food. The menu is dominated by residents of Japan seafood, among which should be noted "sashimi" and "land". This is a traditional dish of the rising sun - a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins, it is distinguished by the best properties of low-calorie diet products.

Sushi - Balanced diet, which helps normalize the digestive process, to preserve the beauty of nails, hair and teeth. Many of its ingredients (including squid, shrimp) - the strongest natural aphrodisiacs, which have a beneficial effect on the potency and increase sexual desire.

Rice and seafood - what could be more useful?
Sushi - a delicious rice lepeshechkah covered with a slice of any seafood. Rice - an excellent source of energy, it supplies the body with carbohydrates and fiber, protein, thiamin, niacin and iron.

Seafood, a part of the land, are generally not tested heat treatment, so do not lose minerals, amino acids, vitamins and salts. Used in Japanese cuisine varieties of fish are rich in B vitamins B, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine and fluorine. And they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 - this is what we need to combat cardiovascular disease and obesity!

Surprisingly few calories!
Sushi - low-calorie food, quickly causing a feeling of satiety: perfect for a diet! For example, one sushi tuna (fillet slice stacked molded on rice) have only 73 calories - despite the fact that it contains (on average) 3, 67 g protein, 14 g carbohydrate 74, 0, 19 g fat. A sushi with squid for 71 calories, it also contains a 1, 8 g protein, 14 g carbohydrates and 74 0, 15 grams of fat. For comparison: in a small shortbread - about 78 calories, although it does not possess, and the third part of the useful qualities of the land! One kilocalorie - is the energy required to heat a liter of water by 1 degree. After eating a few of these cookies, you can get a lot more "fuel" than required by the body - an overabundance of calories causes the formation of fatty deposits. On land this will not happen!

"Stars" lose weight with sushi
Znameny sex symbol Robbie Williams at a sushi diet sees salvation of extra pounds that he "bummed" lately. "Golden Boy" is sure: Japanese cuisine will return it to its former harmony, vitality and attractiveness. And the validity of his hopes confirmed by the example of the singer Nikolai Baskov. The star of Russian show business gets rid of problems with weight, from time to time sitting at a sushi diet.

Sushi: no depression!
But that's not all the advantages of a sushi diet! Have you ever wondered what is the reason of the famous Japanese benevolence, sobriety and peace of mind? Studies have shown that the case is in the same polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, which the Japanese eat in large quantities. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids to prevent violations of brain activity and help fight depression. And another unique research has shown that children who from an early age to eat fish and seafood, grow ... balanced and law-abiding.

Eat well, to be beautiful and live long
Lose weight and redeveloped from the land - a pleasant experience! Enough to eat a small portion to fully satisfy your hunger and refill necessary for health. Sushi - a real treasure for those who are busy choosing an appropriate diet. No need to torture yourself with hunger, dreary tasteless dishes from three leaves of lettuce. To always be in good shape, we just need to push yourself to the board with sushi, take in one hand sticks (if you have not yet learned how to cope with them, you eat with your hands), the other - a cup of soy sauce and ... bon appetit!

Oh Sushi!

Tags: diet element