If the effect of the diet is minimal

 This is truly a popular expression of Socrates "We do not live to eat, but eat to live."

Those who resort to the help of diets for weight loss, cleansing the body, I think, understand this saying as someone else. And not only realize a and apply it in practice.

But what to take when the effect of the diet is reduced, and the diet stops to help achieve the desired result or effect of the medicines used in various diseases of the minimum?

Fasting days - that will help you. Apply them 1-2 times a week on the background of the main diet or individual therapeutic diet. They are used in cases where the therapeutic effect of diet should be strengthened.

By selecting fasting days should be treated individually, taking into account the tolerance of food and diet food, taste, and the patient received at this effect.

Fasting days in the period of application of diets contribute to:

• reduction of body weight;
• decreased excretion from the body of higher amounts of nitrogenous wastes, salt and fluid;
• normalization of mineral metabolism and acid-base balance;
• reduce serum cholesterol;
• stimulation of bile secretion and intestinal motility;
• reduction in spasm of smooth muscle fibers;
• elimination of acidosis;
• improve carbohydrate tolerance;
• normalization of blood pressure;
• reduce the increased excitability of the nervous system;
• improve the overall condition of the body.

Here are a few indications for the use of diets with inclusion of fasting days, or simply unloading days, if the diet during this period does not apply.

First, obesity, overweight used fasting days with fruit, vegetable, Compote, chernoslivnoy, meat, Czech, east, fat, kefir, milk and cheese, oatmeal, rice diets.

Secondly, overweight combined with diabetes - are used fasting days with fruit and vegetables (except tomato) fruit and vegetables, meat, milk and meat, combined, Czech, east, fat, kefir, milk and cheese, oatmeal, rice -Fruit diets.

Just atherosclerosis in combination with overweight - used fasting days with the use of fruit, vegetable, fruit and vegetable, compote, meat, combined, Czech, east, kefir, milk curd, kefirno- cheese, oatmeal, rice diets.

Can not think of hypertensive disease in combination with overweight - used fasting days with the use of fruit, vegetable, fruit and vegetable, compote, combined, Czech, east, kefir, milk and cheese, kefir - cottage cheese, cottage cheese and sugar, curd, rice-fruit diet.

I also want to note coronary heart disease in combination with overweight - used fasting days with the use of fruit, vegetable, fruit and ovoschnoymyasnaya, fat, combined, Czech, kefir, milk and cheese, cottage cheese, milk, oatmeal, rice diets.

Circulatory failure - used fasting days with fruit, raisin, vegetable, fruit and vegetable, compote, combined, Czech, east, kefir, milk and cheese, kefir - cottage cheese, cottage cheese and sugar, curd, rice-fruit diet.

Especially necessary to distinguish diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as acute gastroenterocolitis and enterocolitis, chronic colitis, enteritis, and chronic gastritis with secretory nedostatochnostyu.- used fasting days with tea diet.

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder - used fasting days with the use of vegetable (except tomato) fruit and vegetables, combined, chernoslivnoy, kefir, milk, milk curd, sugar, rice-fruit diet.

Acute and chronic nephritis - used fasting days with the use of vegetable (except tomato) fruit and vegetables, combined, chernoslivnoy, kefir, milk, milk curd, sugar, rice-fruit diet, a diet takzhne Karelia.

Violation of general and mineral metabolism - used fasting days with watermelon, apple, cucumber, kefir, milk, milk curd, sugar, rice-fruit diet

Author: Anatoly Pashustin
According to the materials: dieta-plus.com.ua

Tags: effect of diet