Horoscope - health and diet for October 2007

 The impact of the moon on our body during the lunar month comes full circle and affects all organs, systems and body parts, starting from the head and ending with the feet. This horoscope is taken into account the position of the moon not to harm your body, because if we know, especially when you have to keep the throat and stomach when to spare, we can avoid many problems.

Diet. General recommendations.
If you want to lose weight, from 1 to 10 October, 27-30 October in your diet twice will be more fruitful for the loss
extra pounds of weight than other times of the month.
But if you want to gain weight, the easier it will be to do with the 11 to 26 October.

Rhythms of the Moon and the power in October 2007.

3, 4, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31- days carbohydrates. In these days of food containing large amounts of carbohydrates (flour products) will be perceived by the body very well, or, conversely, very bad. Pay attention to how many carbs you consume you personally, and how they apply to you. If you eat too much bread and other flour products, and you have problems with weight, try these days have less calorie bread and do not buy foods that are high in carbohydrates, but rather try to send their taste for something else.

5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26 - protein days. At this time, the protein food is digested particularly good or particularly bad. Sometimes these days are called days of the fetus, as the fruits in this period experiencing lifting phase. They grow best and are most useful for human beings. Pay attention to the amount of protein foods and fruits in your diet and make sure they affect you. If these days you are well absorbed by the fruit, eat at this time as much as possible and drink fruit juices. Juices may not be as useful as fresh fruit, but sometimes it is easier to use. Before you completely give up such a mini-treatment, return to the habit of drinking juice.

 8, 9, 18, 19, 27, 28 - days salts. This is the time when everything is salty or very helpful or very harmful. Pay attention to how much salt you consume it, you, and how it may effect you. For violations of salt metabolism, limit the use of salty foods. Days salts also called Roots and days - on your plate must be present food red, very useful for kroveobrazovaniya: beets, red fruits and juices, and so. D.

 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 - days fats and oils. These days the body of some people respond well to any animal fats, and others - for vegetable oils and fats. It is not necessary at this time, there are those other fats and simultaneously at least all the time. Thus, during Oils you need or more fat (vegetable or animal), or less than usual. Subsequent to each other and make the appropriate conclusions.

Horoscope for 1, 2 October.
Especially in these days of vulnerable lungs, therefore contraindicated in pulmonary and respiratory treatments and exercises, operations on the thoracic cavity. Moon in Gemini can cause people to shortness of breath, wheezing, worsening of pulmonary diseases and a special sensitivity to the purity (or impurity) of air. In these days of poorly tolerated smoke stuffiness. Very good to leave the city, or at least more often ventilate the house.
Also in these days become vulnerable arms and shoulders. Probably exacerbation of rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative disc disease. These days the stomach and spleen identified for special attention. Try these days make up for a lack of vitamin C.
Displaying treatment of gall bladder, liver, sacrum, hips, blood-purifying procedure.

Horoscope for 3, 4 October.
The most vulnerable will be the stomach, are also vulnerable are breast, lung, liver, gall bladder, nervous system. Increased emotionality and anxiety.
Avoid surgery on organs of the digestive system, as well as in the breast area (particularly in the operation of the breast and nipple). In these days of recommended procedures related to the removal of stones and slag (in particular, the purification of the salt deposits, the treatment of arthritis). It is recommended to treat and remove teeth to hold dentures. Showing surgery on his feet, knees, tendons. Good to treat metabolic diseases, carry out preventive procedures. In these days of acute sensitivity to alcohol and drugs and potent drugs, so it is best to refrain from them.
Increases the probability of conception. Undesirable sleeping pills.
It is recommended to give preference to mineral and purified water. Discard the heavy, spicy and fatty foods, so as not to overload the stomach.
The last phase of the moon favors weight loss! Limiting themselves to the moon decreasing food can lose weight twice as much, and do it in a shorter time than when growing. So if you want to lose weight - start now.

Horoscope for 5, 6, 7 October, Friday.
Vulnerable sight, cardio vascular system, the back, the diaphragm. Avoid anything that overstrains heart and circulatory system. Do not overdo it.
It also becomes vulnerable spin. In any case it does not overload, do not carry heavy loads. Increased risk of acute sciatica. May appear insomnia.
Physical strength during this period should be consumed sparingly. At this time, the treatment can be carried out all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Recommended treatment calves of the legs, joint diseases, diseases of view.

Horoscope on 8 October 9.
In these days is particularly vulnerable gastrointestinal tract than the colon. Prohibited abdominal surgery. For example, surgery to remove the appendix at this time often gives complications fabric bad fuse. At the same time it is a great time to diet, procedures for purifying the blood and liver, for the treatment of skin diseases, including beauty treatments and preparation for plastic surgery. These days are also good at removing corns and warts.

Horoscope for 10, 11, 12 of October.
In these days are particularly vulnerable bladder and kidney. Today, they can not be overloaded, do not drink too much liquid. Also vulnerable endocrine system, especially pancreas. Especially should be cautious of patients with pancreatitis and diabetes.
These days you can do plastic surgery, pull teeth, treat your ears, to develop the senses.

Horoscope on 13 October 14.
Vulnerable to sexual organs, ureters, sacrum, the nervous system. Therefore it is best these days not to overload the sexual sphere, they are the best for sexual abstinence. In addition, it is not recommended to use the spicy food. These days may worsen hemorrhoids, constipation may occur. When this treatment is contraindicated.
Can be treated with endocrine system (except the prostate gland), throat, upper respiratory tract, it is possible to remove the tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, colds, rhinitis.
In these days, especially if the street is cool, you need to dress warmer. Exposure to cold should be avoided, as well as sudden changes in temperature. Pregnant women should avoid even light physical activity, it can be dangerous.

Horoscope for 15, 16, 17 October.
Very vulnerable to liver. You can not perform operations on that body. Also during this period is not suitable for the treatment of diseases of the blood and gall bladder, blood transfusion: the blood system will be very vulnerable. Not recommended for long trips, hiking, walking: suddenly can cause pain in the hips and lower back. Undesirable operations on the face: there is a risk of facial nerve injury.
Displaying treatment of respiratory and nervous system, the field source.

Horoscope for 18, 19 October.
In these days of increased risk of fractures. Do not let the load on the musculoskeletal system, particularly in the knees. Banned all operations on bones, spine, teeth. These days are "diet" as the stomach at this time is not very sensitive. In principle, this time suitable for food "entertainment." You can go on a visit to a restaurant. Showing gastric surgery, treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease. Favorable time for breathing exercises.
Can be performed mammograms and plastic surgery to reduce or increase breast examination hearing, stomach, spleen, gall bladder.

Horoscope for 20, 21, 22 October.
During this period, become vulnerable shins, ankles, veins and glandular system.
Contraindicated, all operations on the joints, procedures associated with the feet, the treatment of arthritis, nervous system and sense organs, eye diseases. At this time, the eyes become vulnerable. Contraindicated for all aircraft procedures. But it is still recommended water treatment, if there is evidence to this. Water has beneficial effects on the body at this time. Displaying water treatment (especially magnetic). These days you can set a lot of work the heart, vascular system, to disperse the blood. Recommended various physical exercises and procedures for the retention of physical energy.

Horoscope for 23, 24 October.
These days contraindicated surgery on the eyes, ears, legs, liver, kidney, foot massage, hydrotherapy, taking potent drugs. Organism in this period is extremely sensitive, so it is best not necessary to carry out any operations. Since vulnerable feet, you can not give a heavy load feet, you can not remove calluses. Of alcohol, even in small doses, must be abandoned. Otherwise, swelling and possible poisoning.
Effective treatment of pancreatic cancer. To improve the health and beauty it is advisable to follow a diet that stimulates the excretion of toxins and impurities.

Horoscope on 25 October 26.
Becomes vulnerable head, so all operations are prohibited on the head and face, including plastic. These days you can not overload the attention and overwork, to give more stress on the eyes and ears. Need as little as possible to read, work on the computer, watching TV. Exclude dentistry.
Particularly well these days working kidneys and bladder. You can perform operations, various treatments on these organs. During this period, you can produce kidney cleansing natural preparations.

Horoscope on 27 October 28.
Vulnerable to the neck, neck, throat, bronchi, the endocrine system (thyroid gland). Avoid surgery in the lower jaw, neck, throat, pharynx and larynx, trachea and thyroid. Increases the load on the vocal cords, jaw and ears.
These days, the most effective kinds rinsing and inhalation. If you often take cold, take preventive measures to prevent colds. Good these days drink herbal teas. In the food need to comply with the measure, hungry and overeating can not.
At this time shows operations and procedures related to the sexual organs. It is not advisable effects on endocrine organs, endocrine glands.

Horoscope for 29, 30 October.
Become vulnerable shoulders, arms, fingers, lungs and glandular system. STANOVOI very vulnerable to respiratory system. These days often cause a person difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. In addition, the position of the moon these days gives a strong reaction to the pollution of air, intolerance stuffy room, the desire for fresh air. At this time, to avoid operations on trachea, lungs, bronchi and pleura surgically contraindicated affect the tongue, upper extremity (from shoulders to toes), the nervous system. Recommended "bleeding" procedure, medications, blood and overclocking shown for the liver.

Horoscope for October 31st.
Very vulnerable gastrointestinal tract. Avoid surgery on organs of the digestive system, as well as in the breast area (particularly in the operation of the breast and nipple). In these days of recommended procedures related to the removal of stones and slag (in particular, the purification of the salt deposits, the treatment of arthritis). It is recommended to treat and remove teeth to hold dentures. Showing surgery on his feet, knees, tendons. Good to treat metabolic diseases, carry out preventive procedures. In these days of acute sensitivity to alcohol and drugs and potent drugs, so it is best to refrain from them.

Tags: horoscope, October, health, diet