Horoscope - Health and diet on 15-30 September 2007

 The impact of the moon on our body during the lunar month comes full circle and affects all organs, systems and body parts, starting from the head and ending with the feet. This horoscope is taken into account the position of the moon not to harm your body, because if we know, especially when you have to keep the throat and stomach when to spare, we can avoid many problems.

Diet. General recommendations.
If you want to lose weight, 27-30 September in your diet twice would be more fruitful to lose extra pounds of weight than other times of the month.
But if you want to gain weight, the easier it will be to do with the 11 to 26 September.

Rhythms of the Moon and the power in September 2007.

16, 17, 25, 26 - days carbohydrates. In these days of food containing large amounts of carbohydrates (flour products) will be perceived by the body very well, or, conversely, very bad. Pay attention to how many carbs you consume you personally, and how they apply to you.
 If you eat too much bread and other flour products, and you have problems with weight, try these days have less calorie bread and do not buy foods that are high in carbohydrates, but rather try to send their taste for something else.

18, 19, 20, 27, 28 - protein days. At this time, the protein food is digested particularly good or particularly bad. Sometimes these days are called days of the fetus, as the fruits in this period experiencing lifting phase. They grow best and are most useful for human beings.
 Pay attention to the amount of protein foods and fruits in your diet and make sure they affect you. If these days you are well absorbed by the fruit, eat at this time as much as possible and drink fruit juices. Juices may not be as useful as fresh fruit, but sometimes it is easier to use. Before you completely give up such a mini-treatment, return to the habit of drinking juice.

21, 22, 29, 30 - days salts. This is the time when everything is salty or very helpful or very harmful. Pay attention to how much salt you consume it, you, and how it may effect you. For violations of salt metabolism, limit the use of salty foods. Days salts also called Roots and days - on your plate must be present food red, very useful for kroveobrazovaniya: beets, red fruits and juices, and so. D.
15, 23, 24 - days fats and vegetable oils. These days the body of some people respond well to any animal fats, and others - for vegetable oils and fats. It is not necessary at this time, there are those other fats and simultaneously at least all the time. Thus, during Oils you need or more fat (vegetable or animal), or less than usual. Subsequent to each other and make the appropriate conclusions.

Horoscope for 16, 17 September.
Vulnerable to sexual organs, ureters, sacrum, the nervous system. Cold feet and light clothing in the pelvis and the kidneys can cause inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. We should not at this time to apply creams and ointments on hormone basis, to start implementation of new contraceptives, examined by a gynecologist. Pregnant women avoid at this time stress: there is a risk of miscarriage.
Displaying treatment of upper respiratory tract, head and neck region. Be careful with caustic substances, active liquids.
Preventive sitz baths with shepherd's purse can help get rid of gynecological diseases.
September 16 - good day to commune with nature and rejuvenating treatments. Note bronchi and upper airways.
September 17 - increases the risk of colds, pay attention to the lungs. Day is unfavorable for the removal of teeth.
Horoscope for 18, 19, 20 September.
Become vulnerable thigh veins, senses, sacrum, liver, gall bladder. Do not overdo it. Preventive and therapeutic measures (except surgery) made the spine and hips will be doubly useful these days. Load on the hips will be particularly heavy. Shows a relaxing massage. Exclude donation, tattoo, solarium, sauna. Displaying treatment of respiratory and nervous system, the field source.
Requires a varied diet. Eat more nuts, meat, vegetables, and foods containing vitamin A and iron. Juices, honey. Diet for weight gain, but without the fat. Increased thirst.

Horoscope for 21, 22 September.
Become vulnerable bones, joints, knees, skin, circulatory system.
Not recommended surgery on the skin, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, operations associated with impaired metabolism. The most vulnerable are the bones - they become brittle, so there is a high risk of fractures. Contraindicated, all operations associated with the teeth and the spine. Very dangerous in this day traditional healers about reposition the bones and spine treatment. These days are "diet" as the stomach at this time is not very sensitive. In principle, this time suitable for food "entertainment." You can go on a visit to a restaurant. Showing gastric surgery, treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease. Recommended Practice breathing.

Horoscope on 23, September 24
Vulnerable shins, ankles, wrists. Bad surgery. Do not overwork his feet. Be careful with electricity and gas. More fresh air, but avoid drafts. Effective treatment of cardio-vascular system, the teeth of the back. Showing water treatment and water treatment (especially magnetic). These days you can set a lot of work the heart, vascular system, to disperse the blood. Recommended various physical exercises and procedures for the retention of physical energy.
You can make heart surgery - in these days it is as strong as ever. Heart these days can be given an additional burden.

Horoscope 25, September 26
Become vulnerable feet, toes and nervous system. Increases risk of poisoning with drugs and alcohol, you need to pay attention to their health. At this time it is not recommended to drink plenty of fluids (especially alcohol) - it is not safe, as there is a connection to the kidneys. Becomes vulnerable skin, increases the risk of allergies. Forbidden operations and procedures for the sensory organs, liver and legs. These days it is necessary to walk less, as the feet are sensitive, you have to wear soft shoes. Strongly increases the risk of fungal diseases. Prohibited foot massage, hydrotherapy, receiving drugs.
Given the particular sensitivity of the organism in these days it is best to give up all kinds of surgery.

Horoscope for 27, 28 September.
Becomes vulnerable head, so all operations are prohibited on the head and face (including plastic, especially in the new moon). It is impossible these days to focus, overwork, as is vulnerable head becomes weak fundus. Therefore, in these days it is desirable to have less to read.
These days, the kidneys work well, it is recommended that operations and procedures related to the kidneys, carried out in these days.

Horoscope for 29, 30 September.
Vulnerable throat, speech organs, teeth, jaw, neck, tonsils, ears, circulatory system, endocrine system .. Avoid surgery in the lower jaw, neck and throat, larynx and pharynx, trachea and thyroid. At this time, the throat is overloaded and, furthermore, there is greater sensitivity to human food. Therefore, at this time should not eat just anything. But fasting is also impossible - it is necessary to eat good food and diet. At this time shows operations and procedures related to the sexual organs. It is not advisable effects on endocrine organs, endocrine glands.
Go to the dentist is not recommended.


Tags: horoscope, health, diet