Health is inextricably linked to diet

 Mental health is inextricably linked to diet, scientists say the UK. Changes in diet inhabitants of the country over the past half century has led to an increase in the number of disorders such as depression and loss of focus. Fast food craze also encourages the emergence of Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. The cause of mental illness is considered a lack of essential vitamins, fats and minerals. The researchers found a clear link between junk food and problems in behavior and mood of people. For example, more likely to suffer from depression in those countries where they eat little fish.  

Vegetable diet

Patients diagnosed with various mental disorders prescribed medical diet. The usual food of these people were ready meals, potato chips and chocolate bars. Few ate fruits and vegetables, and some treated at all without them. Patients began to feed fish with high fat, green vegetables and nuts. After that, many reported an improvement in mood and energy rise.

Probably the Russians should think - in fact many did not take seriously the recommendation to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Tags: health, diet