Great variety of diets

 People with normal weight, still more than overweight. And rarely, who normally weighing, taking any systematic attempt to support the weight. Currently prohibits, for example, fried or flour. However, this does not prevent them from being thin.

Diets in the world are vast. The abundance of ways to solve any problems in medicine usually means that there are no good. Consequently, none of the existing diets are not fully reflected our laws-is with you food, metabolism, psychology, desires, motives, and thus can be something dangerous or harmful. And so on.
We will try to answer the following questions:
1. What unites and what distinguishes diet for weight loss?
2. What makes them effective?
3. What is the reason for their shortcomings?
4. Do I need a diet or not they can do?
5. And if so, how?

So diet. Despite the fact that they are actually very much, there is one feature that all of them combined. The diet should create and every day to maintain the so-called energy deficit - the lack of energy consumption compared to the energy consumed. Then, in response to this deficiency the body will be forced to expend fat. After the fat - this is nothing other than the amount of energy, called exempt in cases where the energy comes from food, not enough.

All diets can be divided into those that are directly aimed at creating energy deficit, and those who do it GRO-sredovanno.
The former include:
1. Hard diet list
2. diet, built on the principle of counting calories
3. ballroom diet
Worst of all transferred diet hard list. Here the patient pre-Laga on the day a well-defined set of products or a list of well-defined dishes with their quantity in grams. If a person wants something that is outside of his list, he should bite the bullet and endure. In the most extreme cases, this type of diet involves the power to any one product. For example, buckwheat diet, when nothing can be cooked in water except buckwheat, or supchikovaya diet when the only dish is soup, cooked from onions, tomatoes and other non-starchy vegetables.

Currently in medicine is widely used, so at-binding, definable diet. This is when the patient gets all the power in the form of nutrient mixtures, cocktails, jelly, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and other fast food. Separately, tabletochku patients receive vitamin and mineral supplementation. Here the daily calorie supply can be counted up to one calorie. But, unfortunately, nothing else can not be prescribed.

Diets based on calorie counting, require the patient rather thorough knowledge of dietetics. And even in this case to determine the exact number of calories in a particular dish is very pro-problematic. For example, relatively easy to calculate calorie apple, eggs, or slices of bread. And there may be errors. But try to determine caloric belyashi or burgers! Here calculation error may reach 50%. In fact, compliance with such diets often reduced to eating a certain set of dishes, built not only to better suit the tastes of the person, but rather to facilitate the procedure of counting calories.

Significantly better tolerated ballroom diet. The patient is offered a pretty extensive list of dishes, portions of which are expressed in defined-nym score. The broader list than the smaller the prohibitions, such diets are more easily tolerated. According to this principle is based, in particular, Weight Watchers program.

Now let's talk about diets, where the energy deficit is masked. These include well-known among dieters Atkins diet, Montignac, a system of separate food Shelton, the so-called diet random list (blood group diet or "Gemokod") and some other. These diets are divided entire range of products on time-resolved and forbidden. For example, in the category of prohibited under the Atkins diet contains all starchy foods - bread, pasta, cereals, Kar-Tophel, sugary. In the Ornish diet, on the contrary, prohibited all Ms-rosoderzhaschie products - fatty meats, cheeses, butter, mayonnaise, but carbohydrates and proteins belong to the category of permitted. Diet Montenyaka allows little and fats and carbohydrates, but only the "right". From this vegetable fats and fish oils, and from carbohydrates, the so-called bottom-products with Kim glycemic index. Sugar, white bread, pasta, most cereals and potatoes, as well as pork products with this diet you can not. Shelton diet seems to be no restrictions does not introduce. Eat whatever you want, just try not to eat proteins with carbohydrates, acidic foods with alkaline and so on ... Diet for Gemokod, which has recently become very popular, offering each patient a somewhat different from the others, the list of forbidden products. Diet alone are where like can all or in any combination, but for example, up to 6 or 7 pm. 

These "disguised" diets have one property that is taking-their adherents for the absolute dignity. You can eat what you want, when you want, and, in general, you want, but only from the list of authorized products and dishes from them.

Want an example of a completely senseless diet? I invented it, commenting on the order of a health magazine for modern-hudatelnye methods. Take your time and write down on a piece of paper in a continuous numbering of all known foods you. Try not to forget anything, the list should be poppy-mum complete. Next, cross out all even. From now on, you can eat only odd. And dishes from them. And I assure you, it will work. If it does not help even a ban on all products, try to change tactics and prohibit odd. Then there will act for sure. You will lose weight, while this principle is respected. But we all know that bans can not observe all the time ...

Why these diets work? It is not through some miraculous effect on metabolism is believed to be their authors. This question spe-cially and thoroughly investigated and it was shown that in all cases the successful application of the Atkins diet, Ornish, Montenyaka, or any Dru-goy, daily calorie supply people rarely exceed 1500 kiloka-lory. Whereas usually a person consumes about 2200 - 2500 kcal. And roughly the same rate. So, the energy deficit on the face. Moreover, as it turned out, the Atkins diet and the opposite in the construction Ornish diet, cause about the same weight reduction. True, the Ornish diet is tolerated somewhat better.

Very interesting, exactly how the application of "Disguise-en" diets to create an energy deficit? Indeed, so what, that diet, such as Atkins, quite impossible bread ?! After all, can be any meat! After all, a person will receive less of the energy from carbohydrates, can successfully recruit extra together with proteins or fat! And here and can not! Indeed, we have constructed, the person should some of the energy is consumed in the form of carbohydrates, some in the form of fat, and some in the form of protein. And replace one nutrient others can not. In other words, if of a significant portion of the food excluding carbohydrates or fats, reduced calorie automatically.

Moreover, in the energy deficit may cause an exception and some significant amount of high-calorie foods familiar to us by an arbitrary list, for example, cheeses, sausages, flour, sweet, products from cereals, and so forth. Here triggered the following effect - people have to eat is not what he wants, but only that it is possible. In this situation, a portion of products will almost certainly be less. On this principle works diet "Gemokod", as well as the program time-limiting supply. For here, too, have to not eat as you want and as permitted - or eat meat without garnishes or side dishes without meat. And as a result - a very likely decrease in daily caloric intake.

It is not surprising that quite often leads to weight loss for-rushing on the evening meal. How Come? Because most people have one of the meals have to usually 8-9 pm. This meal is turned off and a decrease in daily energy intake.

If you look - all known diets for weight loss, it's one or the other improvisation on the theme of the three great "no":
1. You can not eat what you want,
2. Do not eat then when you want,
3. you can not eat as much as you want.
Some diets are adopting all three "no", some - one or two. For example, the list of hard diet, do not eat, what you want and as much as you want, for masked diets characterized by a ban only on certain common foods.

Due to the prohibition to create an energy deficit. This includes the consumption of fat mass and provides weight loss. But it bans it here all these "less than it would be desirable" and "not what you want" and cause all sorts of unpleasant effects that spoil the whole thing. Consider them.

1. As shown by numerous studies, the vast majority of people can not stand prohibitions and restrictions for a long time. Food intake, the process is largely intuitive, unconscious. Satisfaction from food - a mandatory component of quality of life. Attempts to follow any prescribed power circuit often lead to unbearable decreased quality of life, disruption, overeating and a new round of increase of weight. And the probability that the failure occurs much earlier than people reach your desired weight, not less than 95%. Now more and more scientists believe that the weight of obese people is growing not so much because they do not entrepre-toil that would keep this weight, but because they take up too tightly.

2. Prohibitions on certain products often impoverish our food vital substances. Increases the risk of various diseases. For example, it is often a consequence of diets with lack of protein or vitamins, is the development of immunodeficiency.

3. Unfortunately, the expense of fat in response to the energy deficit is not the only reaction to the diet. Firstly, apart from fat and muscle has lost tissue, and this is highly undesirable. Indeed, excess fat is consumed in the muscles. Secondly, diet leads to slower metabolism and reduce fat consumption. It turns out that further "sitting" on a diet, though legitimate causes suffering, but it does not lead to weight loss. Moreover, slowing metabolism and decreased muscle mass creates the premise that after the collapse of weight in our patient will grow at a faster pace.

So, traditional diets carry a number of properties that do not contribute to weight loss, but also often lead to more rapid on-germination weight. But the main problem one can not cancel. Indeed, weight loss happens only if every day will be maintained negative energy balance - the predominance of energy consumption over consumption of energy from food. And the question arises as with the newly discovered circumstances we solve our problems? It is possible to identify at least two ways optimization. Namely, the principle of the combined power and comprehensive approach to weight loss.

Combined principle recommends be armed with just two diets - relief and support, and rotate them from time to time. The task of supporting the regime - simply prevent buildup of body weight. Enter here which does not require any restrictions Xia. It is quite feasible to reduce the fat content and secondarily sugars in the diet. Observe this mode, when compliance with the discharge due to various reasons difficult.

With regard to the discharge mode, it is recommended to construct as follows. In the evening, add small restrictions on again mainly fatty and sugary foods. Then in the morning and in the afternoon restrictions may be more significant. This rate corresponds to the power diurnal variation process of splitting and fat accumulation. In the morning, a man dominated by splitting processes. The body is filled with energy and we are more than just comply with even severe restrictions. In the evening, fat splitting processes are slowed down. Observe here the discharge mode is problematic. But this is not required. Nezhirogennogo quite enough power.

Integrated approach calls us to remember that diet is not the only and not the most successful factor for causing fat to flow. There are two - the active motor mode and the so-called positive psycho-emotional. These two factors increase our vitality, activates the system break down fat. In the blood, increased levels of nutrients, and compliance with the discharge mode is much easier. If the tonic mode is chosen correctly, then very often we can see that a person eating behavior varies greatly - he now we have little food, significantly reducing the need for treats, increasing the intervals between meals. There is a very interesting situation - people can co-stored very high quality food - eat when he wants what he wants, and, in general, much as he wants, and still lose weight. To maintain this condition sometimes it is sufficient to observe a few simple rules - here they are:
1. Avoid bans.
2. Try to eat more often
3. The rate of food should be as slow. The easiest way to slow down the pace of eating, is eating a variety of foods.
4. The structure of power is to be changed in favor of low-fat protein and slozhnouglevodnyh products. The basis of the power should slu-live low-fat milk and milk products, cheese, lean meat and fish, bread, pasta and cereals, as well as vegetables and herbs. Fatty and sugary foods should be eaten in small quantities, mainly for the goodies, when you do not have enough to eat, zhirogennoy food.

Tags: diet