From what emotions are gaining weight?

 If you are the type of people who use any excuse to eat, then you should better control their emotions. Anger, anxiety, sadness, depression, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and even joy - all this may be the reason for the attack on the refrigerator. Eaten chocolate drowns negative emotions, anxiety passes, but inevitably leads to problems with the figure.

The habit of "jam" emotions can grow into a stable relationship, and you'll lean on going even when you're in a good mood. And this is a direct path to obesity.
After a busy day, a piece of cake replaces these people a dose of alcohol. The fact that sucrose increases levels of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for pleasure and good mood, reduces depression, anxiety, etc.

"Sladkogolikam" psychologist and psychotherapist Olga Tessar recommends primarily to establish regular exercise as they are, in addition to burning calories, also produce serotonin.

However, we must not forget about the emotional sphere. Refer to a therapist to figure out what kind of emotions cause in you the desire to eat, it is likely that their range is very limited. If you have already gained excessive weight, consult with an endocrinologist or nutritionist.

Diets that promise weight loss miracles, can provoke negative emotions and as a result, a set of weights.

Here are the emotions that often cause a desire to run to the fridge:

- Difficulties in communicating with others
- The feeling you are not loved
- Financial problems
- The lack of domestic comfort
- Dissatisfaction
- Separation
- The collapse of plans
- Fear
- Longing
- Low self-esteem
- Sadness
- Loneliness
- Uncertainty
- Pessimism
- Poverty

How do deal with it?

- Learn to control themselves. You have recently eaten a meal and thinking again, for example chocolate? Take a break, for example, make a 10-minute exercise, aimed at problem areas. Desire to eat can be gone if not, instead eat some sweet fruit.

- Try to eat at certain hours, thoroughly chewing it.

- Work out. Join a group aerobics in the pool, etc. In addition to solving problems with weight, exercise in the group will change your psychological state, there will be positive emotions, new friends.

- Do not go to the store with a sense of hunger, or you buy a lot more food than you need.

Love Lyul'ko

Tags: emotion, weight