Dropping pounds

 One, obviously not in the most beautiful day of your life, you find that you not only "bow lips, eyebrows house", but also a log leg, butt rolls. And then, having overcome internal trembling, talking to his reflection in the mirror: "I do not know you, but I'll lose weight."  

From the depths of the subconscious emerges knows how stuck there - "On sports, you - the world! "And you realize that in order to combat the excesses of his earthly body exercise becomes our all. But life - a harsh thing, and its realities are such that a club card never have enough time. Or money. Or both, and something else.

However, if the fitness does not come to us, we will go to him! Buy sneakers, gets steady hand and no alarm before dawn run out to breathe the exhaust gases. Plunge on the way to a dog "is the most" understand - with a run over.

However, to give up on fitness do not want - a healthy lifestyle, as in any way. Well, where we did not disappear - buy a DVD with exercises from some of Cindy Crawford (very recommend, by the way) - and forward swings his arms, kicking his legs. Especially to help cheer on the way to the cherished goal voiceover: "We went to the back, abdomen pressed to the floor." Wow, what a light complex! Is repeated one more time - since the beginning, it is necessary and worsen. Ah, once again ...

Morning hardly make discoveries century, first one and then the cost of considerable effort, and second. Even eye muscles can not afford yesterday was shock. Very keenly felt every muscle in his body suffering, even if they find themselves in the most inappropriate places (behind the ears, around the neck).

You can show exactly which ones are strained when hardly get up, with no less difficult to sit down or, in a fit of impotent despair showing vile husband grinning middle finger. Here you are, with the face of fitness Cindy Crawford ?!

No, it is not self-mutilation for me, you understand and decides to go on a diet. At the same time, and by cooking a rest. Her husband somehow graze peretopchetsya, let him feed the resourcefulness and ingenuity.

So, grain of rice for breakfast, a piece of lettuce for lunch, hungry fainted at dinner. No, it is necessary to revise the diet. Two grains of rice for breakfast, two leaves of lettuce for lunch, hungry fainted at dinner. Thank God one.

Well, choose something less draconian. So, like anything, there can be. That's just disturbing thought: this world is so unstable, maybe once a favorite chocolate, the flavor is lost, or at all ... One piece will be nothing, right? Slice, slice, slice, kusochische. And why was this stuff krohotulechku in a huge box? But you know, some things do not change.

Homemade instrument of torture - room scales - you get round, because fragile psyche is not completely moved away from the last weigh-in, when you honestly tried to look terrible face, but something stopped you: whether tummy, or nearsightedness. Get over yourself, and realize courageously weighed - down meal, give tic-tac, there are only two calories. And will be a breath of fresh; however, weak.

Or maybe try something fashionable? Something, for example, Hollywood? Atkinson diet, for example? However, it soon becomes clear that the creator of this pohudatelnogo diet not so long ago ... died from obesity. He may, of course, did not comply with the recommendations of its own, but it is better not to risk it. What else is there in vogue these, God forgive me, Oscar winner? Liposuction? No, it is I can not go!

So rather than fleeing girlfriend? Mary prepares the book "On the tasty and healthy food" of the last century (take beef on the ruble). Sasha reads magazines about weight loss, firmly believes in the great and mighty power of the printed word. But Dasha seems to be really thin. Urgently rushing to elicit details and on the verge of podruzhkinoy apartments, recently clung to her hips to meet her husband, carrying a trash Dakshin bras and mournfully wailing, "Oh, and what was in fact the chest."

Returns home deep in thought. You come to the mirror: bow lips, eyebrows house, ass - quite a yes and no leg not a log. Just at that time were unsuccessful pants style. Yes they are still after washing sat ...

The kitchen is a pale shadow looms. This husband, drooping graze. Urgently revive! And here, gobbling up a plate of steaming meat back to life favorite thankfully says, "Honey, you've got the most beautiful! "What, in fact, to prove.


Tags: kilogram