Diet: some errors

 Sadly, many of us do not even wonder what went wrong in the selected diet? Why promise easy weight loss has become a voluntary torture? Nutritionists advise to look for the answer is not so much a diet as the body slimming person. Consider together with the women's magazine JustLady six most common mistakes and misconceptions dietchikov.

1. "I want to fast and a lot! »

It is believed that the sooner a person begins to drop pounds during the diet, the greater the effect of it. This is not true. Too rapid weight loss is dangerous for the body. Firstly, when returning to the usual power mode, instead of 5.7 kg dropped rather quickly collect all 10 possible.

And secondly, it is realistic to provoke severe intoxication. The fact that all the fast fraught with loss diets are not so much "hated" fat as vital water and electrolytes, the active cell mass. Not enough liquid, is a violation of cleansing and excretory organ function. There - all signs of poisoning include nausea, headache, fatigue, sagging skin. So, as the saying goes, slow and steady wins - on going.

Council Reasonable process of losing weight - a loss of 300-400 grams of fat per week and no more than 500-800 grams total weight.

2. "My fat - just a cosmetic defect"

According to nutritionists, almost nobody takes overweight and obesity as a serious illness. Meanwhile, without form and degree of obesity obese people who want to pick up an effective scheme of Clinical Nutrition, simply can not do. As without professional assistance.

There are several forms of obesity:

- In visceral - fat is stored mainly in the abdominal area. The more delayed the greater the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. And this, in turn, alleges a violation of hormone promoting normal digestion and metabolism that occurs in chronic overeating. It - is the most dangerous form of obesity, since it - one of the causes of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

- Obesity in which the "stock" is deposited on the legs, buttocks, on the sides, usually indicates a violation of the ovaries in women and testes in men. Deficiency of the hormones estrogen and testosterone, which produce these organs, hurts the overall well-being - a person experiences stress, there are some menopausal symptoms: excessive sweating, heart palpitations, unmotivated panic attacks, jumps in blood pressure.

- In case of violation of the thyroid gland and reduce the amount of hormones produced by it, there is a general decrease in metabolism. Man eating a bit, but his body does not use even the small amount of energy, and sends a "bins." Fats occupy not only fiber but also organs: liver, pancreas, blood vessels etc. This provokes metabolic syndrome, hypertension, abnormal liver function (steatosis), sclerosis of the pancreas, vascular lesions legs and many other diseases.

Council If there is suspicion of obesity and metabolic disorders, in any case, do not sit on a diet, subtract the Internet or women's magazine. First, the doctor!

3. Trace element is not terrible mess

Rapid weight loss leads to an imbalance in the body macronutrients (especially sodium and potassium), trace elements and vitamins. Moreover, thanks to the "fast diet" in human blood increases the amount of uric acid and so-called ketone bodies, which are formed by cleavage protein. Due to the scarcity of antioxidants the body does not have time to oxidize lipids, blood vessels and tissues are affected, then the person is suffering from intoxication and violation of the organs.

Council Again slowly grow thin. During the diet, take antioxidants and catecholamines: they contain green tea, foods rich in vitamin C, fruit and vegetables, which are red and orange coloring.

4. "I do not give in to depression '

All diets (vegetarian, sports, Japanese, Hollywood, blood group, etc.) - these are templates designed to reduce the amount of food intake and calories. Therefore, they provide a quick slimming effect, which can be good for your figure, but harmful to the body and not only in the physical plane. As we have said, a person loses weight due to its backup capabilities, the body suffers stress, respectively decreases the production of endorphins (hormone of joy). Willy-nilly, and the nose hang.

In addition, the fact that you have to limit yourself to the choice of food - today I ate for breakfast one egg, one apelsinchik and crackers for lunch eat this and that ... and not a step to the side - traumatize the psyche. Most diets exclude the possibility of banquet tables. And if during dieting you suddenly invited to visit?

Of course, have something to sacrifice one! In addition, a strict regime under which, even if you really want, you can not allow yourself at least a small piece of candy, just is not good and is fraught with depression. But to receive pleasure from food, especially for people who are overweight - the thing is as important as, for example, for those who like to talk communication.

Council If you have seriously decided to do them, instead of a diet (that is temporary dietary restrictions), go to a rational diet. It can only make dietician.

5. "The Hunger pereterplyu"

You should not deceive ourselves. If you sit on a diet in which after every meal feel hungry - this diet is not for you! In addition, it is well known that the correct weight loss should be comprehensive and include physical activity. So when choosing a power supply circuit in the menu, it is important to anticipate and potential energy.

Agree, if a person, for example, worked in the gym or swim in the pool, his appetite was quite wrong that after reading the book lying on the couch. Proper diet weight loss in these cases involves the use of large amounts of carbohydrates, that is rich of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, which provide saturation and normalize protein balance.

Council In addition to these nuances competent nutritionist while cooking your power scheme must take into account many other factors: age, sexual activity, hormonal status, the level of resistance to infection and stress, etc. Painted the required amount of antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

6. "The food is not tolerated - on immunity"

It happens that the independent choice of diets, which are dominated by a certain product, people accidentally, we can say at random, run into a serious problem. Namely - food intolerance. Eat, for example, eggs or cabbage for three days in a row, such dietchiki complain of headache, constipation, depression, severe fatigue, insomnia, skin rashes and other unpleasant manifestations.

It is very good if they immediately turn to a qualified doctor - one hidden problem less. But if you write off these ailments to some unimportant reasons, only further drive themselves in allergic condition, undermining the metabolism and immunity.

Council Sit on a diet only after the necessary examination by a doctor. The food at the same time should be tasty and varied. If our advice veal that you ate yesterday boiled, zamarinuete today, for example, pomegranate juice, and cook tomorrow Irish, look such food will be as appetizing and not get bored.

Tags: diet