Diet Dr. Hay

What is Hay diet? Nothing tricky in it. Under the ban, according to tradition, get the sugar and all that it contains: cakes, pastries, cookies, ice cream and other goodies. For sweet dishes, according to the principles of the system, and products are made with white flour. It is believed that sweets violate digestion, and it is not surprising, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. And the lack of it leads to increased fatigue, irritability and headaches. However, this does not mean that sugar should be discarded overnight. The abrupt transition even to a normal diet only add problems. Reduce the number of pieces of sugar gradually, and then the body sated it needs glucose.

Second - eliminated the so-called "dead food". Industrial preserves, sauces, all kinds of "diet" yogurt, margarine, food additives, many sweeteners and salt, carbonated drinks. That is all that is degreased, obezalkogolivaetsya undergoes deep cleaning, chemical or thermal treatment. The fact that these products killed all alive and no benefits they bring, on the contrary. All few calories they contain not saturate the body, but in a perfectly deposited as problem areas of cellulite or fat on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol, toxins contaminating the liver and kidneys. Good products spoil quickly!
By the way, you need to cook every day. Overexposed in the refrigerator dishes quickly lose all nutrients. Just straight from the tin can significantly improve your health.

Third - long live the raw vegetables and fruits! They stabilize blood sugar, cleanse the body of toxins, saturated with vitamins and moisture. Somehow, in this diet is not welcome dried fruits. The authors believe that there is too much sugar and stomach can not cope with it.

And finally, the most important thing. Combined food, this food is based on the right combination of products. The fact that there is an incompatibility dishes, known since ancient times. Wrote about another Roman physician Celsus. However, by the end of this teaching has been brought only in our days. Now nutritionists around the world share the food on the protein, starchy and neutral. The first category includes products such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The second - potatoes (boiled in their jackets), whole grains, pasta and bread from raw flour, beans, nuts, sweet fruit. To the neutral - Unrefined oils and almost all vegetables.

There are no restrictions of meat, fish, sweet fruit, cereals. Eat as much as you want your only mixed correctly. Neutral products can be used with any of the first two types. Starchy and protein do not mix in any case. But no restrictions on the number of meals, on the contrary, eat at least every two hours, only alternate: first meat with salads, then rice with vegetables. For example, the menu for two weeks might look like this:

Day One.
For breakfast: Natural yogurt with fresh strawberry slices.
For lunch: Pork baked with vegetables (carrots, broccoli, parsnips) apple sauce. Dessert: Peach or other soft fruit.
For dinner: potatoes boiled in their skins with sweet corn and sweet pepper. Dessert: Banana with whipped cream, honey and walnuts.

The second day.
For breakfast: A slice of wholemeal bread with peanut butter, banana and dates.
For lunch: Millet with sweet corn, pine nuts, peppers and lettuce. Dessert: Sweet pear.
For dinner: Vegetable salad with carrots, rutabagas and cabbage liver. Dessert: Fruit salad of pineapple and orange.

The third day.
For breakfast: yogurt with nuts and pieces of fresh peach.
For lunch: Vegetable pie or steamed vegetables, lettuce. Dessert: Sweet grapes and cashews.
For dinner: Cod baked with grated cheese; salad of carrot, cabbage and peas. Dessert: Peach and apple, sliced.

Day Four:
For breakfast: a large slice of melon.
For lunch: Chicken baked with parsnips, broccoli and carrots. Dessert: orange and kiwi fruit, cut into slices.
For dinner: Tomato sandwich with rye bread and peanut butter. Dessert: Cream of bananas and avocados and walnuts.

Fifth day.
For breakfast: yogurt with nectarine slices.
For lunch: Potatoes cooked in their skins with beans, sweet corn, onions, bell pepper and slices of avocado. Green salad. Dessert: nuts and raisins.
For dinner: Watercress with beetroot and onions. Scrambled eggs with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, peas, carrots. Dessert: Fresh orange.

The sixth day.
For breakfast: cracked wheat with raisins and soy milk.
For lunch: a large fruit salad and dried fruit with hazelnuts and sunflower seeds.
For dinner: Chicken baked with mushrooms. Salad with carrots, cabbage and beans. Dessert: Fresh mango.

The seventh day.
For breakfast: a slice of orange and grapefruit with nuts and raisins.
For lunch: Vegetable soup, pita with salad. Dessert: Yellow pear.
For dinner: Minced lamb with carrots, peas and broccoli. Dessert: Fresh raspberries with cream.

Day Eight.
For breakfast: mashed bananas and walnuts with wholemeal toast.
For lunch: Potatoes cooked in their skins with sweet corn and bell pepper. Watercress salad with slices of tomato and cucumber. Dessert: Fresh figs.
For dinner: Poached egg, sautéed cauliflower with cheese, tomato, carrot, sweet corn. Dessert: orange slices with raisins.

The ninth day:
For breakfast: muesli without sugar with soy milk and banana slices.
For lunch: Vegetable soup and vegetable salad with nuts. Dessert: Fresh dates.
For dinner: Roast turkey with vegetable salad. Dessert: Fruit salad of oranges and kiwi.

Day Ten:
For breakfast: Apple and yogurt with almonds.
For lunch: Corn on the cob with green salad, beets, carrots and onions. Dessert: Fresh coconut.
For dinner: Beef casserole with mushrooms and tomatoes. Carrots and brussel sprouts. Dessert: Jelly fruit juice with slices of pineapple.

Day Eleven:
For breakfast: banana and avocado, whipped with a little water.
For lunch: Brown rice with beans, salad and sweet corn. Dessert: dates and walnuts.
For dinner: Scrambled eggs with grated cheese. Vegetable salad of carrots, peppers and corn. Dessert: Fresh green pear.

The twelfth day.
For breakfast: a banana with whipped cream and chopped nuts.
For lunch: vegetable casserole with sesame seeds and potatoes in their jackets. Dessert: Fresh yellow pear.
For dinner: Cod baked with butter. Carrot salad. Cauliflower and peas. Dessert: Fresh orange.

Day thirteen.
For breakfast: millet porridge with raisins.
For lunch: Lentil soup, green salad, wholemeal bread. Dessert: Avocado, whipped cream.
For dinner: lamb chops with mushrooms and tomatoes, broccoli and carrots. Dessert: Fruit salad with fresh pineapple and oranges.

The fourteenth day.
For breakfast: sliced ​​apples and blueberries with natural yoghurt.
For lunch: Baked sandwich with bananas, grapes, walnuts and raisins.
For dinner: steak with mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers and green salad. Dessert: Baked apple with kiwi and cream.

Tags: Diet Doctor