Diet Arthur Agastona: how to become slim

"South Beach Diet"
This diet was developed by American cardiologist Arthur Agaston.
Required to memorize a list of authorized products and enjoy eating them reasonable, but not miniscule amounts.

"South Beach Diet" is divided into 3 phases:

PHASE lasts for 2 weeks and it is the most STRICT (During this time, you will lose 6-7 kg).

SECOND PHASE - Until then, until you reach the desired result.

The third phase - Is not a diet, but a way of life you can afford almost everything.

However, Agaston advised not to eat potatoes, white rice, pasta, bread made from wheat flour and sweets.
But do not worry, during the first and second phase you get used to eat properly.

PHASE 1 - down extra pounds.
Within two weeks is strictly prohibited fruits, soft drinks and alcohol!
Avoid carbs: bread, pasta, potatoes (in the second phase they will be included) Need to eat lean veal breast without skin, fish and low-calorie cheese. Vegetables will also be a little bit - 150-200 gr. per day.
Dishes cook in vegetable oil. In the evening, treat yourself to a cup of cocoa.

OPTION Main courses: 1 steak roast on the grill, season with spices. Vegetables (eg, green onions, zucchini and tomato), cut into slices, lightly fried in olive oil. Put on a plate and decorate with greenery.

Now your menu is extensive.
Include in your diet fruits and berries. Eat whole-grain bread, cereal, oat flakes, brown (solid) Fig.
Of dairy products - soy or skim milk, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Lose weight, however, it will be slower than in the first phase.
One condition, not to forget to play sports!

OPTION Main courses: fillet of beef cut into cubes, sprinkle with lemon and let stand for 15 minutes. Then add salt and spread on skewers and fry in vegetable oil. To file a shish kebab and rice slices of sweet pepper.

PHASE 3 - Enjoy achieved
Your task - to keep the weight that you have achieved. Eating for two weeks on Agastona system, you are sure that you can have enough, but to lose weight.
Now you can afford almost everything except the above products.
Although accustomed to a balanced diet, you probably do not want to go back to what it was before.

OPTION Main courses: Cherry tomatoes cut in half, mix with basil leaves, olive oil, vinegar. Rub the chicken breast with olive oil and fry. Serve with tomatoes and herbs.

At the same time consume at least 1.5 liters of water, and drink - preferably green tea.

Tags: Diet, Arthur