Bezkrahmalnaya diet: how to lose weight

 The main component of the diet - fruits and salads. Do not eat bread, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods. Drink only water. How many - tell your appetite. The duration of the diet up to 2 weeks.  

Sample menu for the day:

Breakfast. Orange, or orange and lemon juice, grapefruit mud. Do not add sugar.

Lunch Time. Fresh vegetables, which are at this time of the year. Seasoning be olive oil and lemon juice but not vinegar. Dessert: raisins, prunes, figs or dates.

Dinner. Salad of raw vegetables or vegetables cooked in its own juices, such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips and cauliflower. Some nuts or sweet fruit - apples, pears, plums, cherries.

Tags: diet