No kidding

 The International Association of practical and therapeutic humor (AATH) know exactly laughter improves the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as a positive effect on the internal organs. And therefore recommends laugh often and watch more comedies. In Russia, the treatment of laughter (gelotologii) has not yet taken seriously. Although the benefits of laughter not deny.

Laugh my knees

Laughter - the same fitness. "When you laugh, actively contracting muscles of the face and shoulder girdle, straining press, make use of the chest and diaphragm, quickens the pulse and, consequently, improves blood flow to all organs and tissues," - says Sergey Zaitsev, a neurologist. Come in tone and leg muscles and back. As a result, a quarter of an hour of laughter burns 40 calories - as much as a 15-minute biking. And if you laugh for half an hour every day for a year, you can lose up to 2 kg, calculated at the American University of Vanderbilt.

Chemical protection

The body reacts to laugh almost as much as chocolate, - explains Svetlana Kudriakov, endocrinologist. - The level of endorphins in the blood, improves the flow of nerve impulses, and as a result, you are in a good mood. " "And the level of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) is reduced on the contrary, that everything else improves the immune system," - adds Sergey Zaitsev.

For no reason

The best way to relieve mental or physical stress - laughed heartily. "Laughter - the most harmless and effective psychotropic drug - says psychologist Boris Novoderzhkin, director of the Center for Creative psychotherapy. - And most useful to the so-called hysterical laughter - without a special occasion. It soothes, relieves fears and anxieties and leaves no guilt - as opposed to laughing at colleague, falling off the chair. "

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