What is not told in SPA-salon

 Any SPA-procedure has a lot of features, which do not always informed even in the best salon. And it's not that crafty beauticians, trying to earn more money, to hide the truth from you. Just in our country SPA-industry is still very young, and few understand all the nuances.

Under the heading Diet: A strict diet

As is the case with any interference in the work of the body, it is important to know when to stop and approach the matter responsibly. If you really want to bring yourself a favor, and not just to join the beautiful life, take some time and carefully examine the important nuances and contraindications.

Bath, sauna, hammam

Bath and sauna are familiar to us from childhood, and the word "hammam" heard yet not every Russian woman. Meanwhile, all these concepts are in the same row - hammam (also often called "hammam") is a kind of oriental bath. Serves the same purpose: to warm the body, to open the pores, to intensify the process of sweating and detoxification. Often used as a steam bath preparations, e.g., for a peeling or wrapping. Heated body is much more susceptible to external influences and better able to absorb nutrients from the funds applied to the skin.

Take note that the bath or sauna, in contrast to the hammam can not be considered preliminary procedure. After a visit to the steam room strongly recommend you to refrain from any further manipulation, even if it is a banal massage. What is the difference from the bath and sauna hammam?

In the Turkish bath person is exposed to temperatures much lower (about 35 - 37 degrees) at a high humidity, and hence, load on the heart is minimal. In the same bath and sauna body is exposed to a serious test, which will be followed SPA-procedures only worsen. Yes, if you still think SPA hundred percent useful pastime disappoint you: practically any effective procedure turns the load on the heart, blood vessels, endocrine and lymphatic systems. A load should be dosed. You imagine, for example, the result of immoderate the gym?

It is worth noting that the hammam - a special culture, which in many Russian shops somehow neglected.

First of all, it concerns the surroundings: a real Hammam necessarily has the floor and beds of marble. The ceiling in the hammam must be domed to condensing steam does not drip down and flowed over the surface. In addition, steam cleaning means by a special scheme: first the body slightly traversed hard sponge soaked in soapy water, and after the skin is cleansed, the procedure is repeated, this time - with a strong pressure. Finally, the next time - this bathing occurring, unlike saunas, not in the same pool, but three full. First - the warm water, then - colder and the final chord - a quick bath in almost icy water. Due to the fact that the temperature difference is not too sharp, your body is spared from the shock, but still run the compression and expansion of the walls of blood vessels, improves microcirculation and activates the lymph nodes. The last ones are responsible for internal cleansing of your body. After all, along with the lymph go all toxins, toxins and excess fluid ... that adds hated centimeters problem areas.

Hydrotherapy: therapeutic moisture

Entitled "hydrotherapy", as you might guess, hiding all treatments based on the healing effects of fresh water, ranging from the banal soul Charcot and ending with a spa pool. Benefits are obvious. After the most common home bath feel like a new born.

The water activates the metabolism, tones, helps to relieve stress. But if you do not know some of the subtleties, with all these positive properties of water treatments can not only produce the desired effect, but also cause serious damage to the body.

Hydrotherapy is not recommended in inflammatory processes. Even if you're just a cold and the temperature slightly increased refrain from visiting the SPA-salon. Women with diseased kidneys or chronic gynecological diseases before the procedure is necessary to consult with your doctor the appropriate profile. During pregnancy also advise to be careful and, as would be desirable to treat yourself, do not trust the staff more SPA-center, and a specialist from the antenatal clinic.

Another difficult nuance - a visit to the gidroprotsedury during menstruation. In principle, no major contraindications not, however, in this period, your reproductive system is vulnerable as never before. Remember that the slightest violation of hypothermia or vaginal microflora may further lead to very unpleasant consequences. So think twice before you sign up for the procedure. Or - the best option - to opt for souls.

Contrast Scottish or procedure with the romantic name "Champagne" (a combination of three jets with different intensity) - all this has beneficial effects on blood circulation, skin condition and your health, without affecting the organs of the reproductive system. With proper and regular procedure gives no less effect than a hot tub. Only here from Vichy shower, according to physiotherapists, should be abandoned. Used air jet is too weak, and the effectiveness of this procedure raises serious doubts.

If you are going to pass any of gidroprotsedury, be sure to pay attention to the time that it takes. No matter how great the temptation to soak in warm water for an hour or two, the maximum that you can afford - it's 20 minutes, and a session for beginners and less. Otherwise, you can get a weakness throughout the body and a broken state instead of the promised vitality and shine in the eyes. By the way, if it is a whirlpool, then increasing exposure time, you did not get rid of cellulite in a matter of days, but rather the opposite - only harm nanesesh circulation in the problem area. If you want to speed up the process, just visit the SPA-center more often - every other day, for example.

Algae, honey and chocolate

The procedure is similar to the popular wraps once mud therapy: applied to the skin means, then the problem areas wraps or heated blanket, or a special wet sheets.

Wrap - one of the most effective types of SPA. It allows you to remove toxins, activate blood circulation, skin cells provide much-needed nutrients. Due to the fact that the procedure contributes to the loss of excess fluid, "pohudatelnye effect" is noticeable after the first session.

However, this result is not durable if wrapping a short time does not repeat, lost centimeters will not hesitate to return.

Among all kinds of wraps (and there are many) first place in popularity and effectiveness, perhaps, takes seaweed wraps, or thalassotherapy. As the name suggests, during the procedure used seaweed - brown, green, red, - contain a lot of useful for cellular metabolism that moisturize the skin at a deeper level. This is - an excellent tool anti-age: because of the high content of various trace elements, they are launching natural rejuvenation processes, resulting in the skin becomes more elastic, and the silhouette is tightened.

There is only one "but" - algae affect the hormonal system. So if there is a problem with it, as well as during pregnancy and menopause necessarily pass inspection by an endocrinologist before going to the same procedure.

As for the new products in the range of SPA-salons, attention is paid to yourself honey and chocolate body wrap - a real gift for the sweet tooth.

During the session, chocolate wrapping fragrance envelops your favorite female delicacy, and is thoroughly uplifting.

However, cocoa beans to the figure no effect and are included in only because of the wonderful aroma. The secret of caffeine - this substance contained in chocolate helps break down body fat, tone the skin and normalize the cells. Sometimes the chocolate is added plant extracts and essential oils that enhance the action of the main ingredient, nourish and moisturize. This allows you to get the maximum effect from the wrapping.

But, alas, such additives is clearly not please some people with allergies. If you are allergic to any substance in advance clarifies that part of the means for wrapping.

Honey wrap, in turn, more natural and familiar to the Russian, because the healing properties of honey, we know for a long time. This folk remedy "pulls" the dirt from the pores, stimulates the circulatory system, improves metabolism in cells. Due to the content of propolis, it quickly softens the skin, making it soft and silky as a baby. So gorgeous skin you can already boast at the exit from the cabin. But the figure honey wrap may be delayed.

And finally, ending the conversation about the most important kinds of SPA-procedures, we note that, among other things, they quench sensory deprivation - a lack of touch to the skin, massage, caresses. Most of the time a modern business woman spends next to strangers, to touch which is not accepted. Receptors located in the skin, inactive, and the brain does not come tactile stimuli. Stress and lack of necessary we touch we "jam" with chocolates, biscuits and other junk food, resulting gain weight. So if some of the SPA-procedures you are contraindicated, more likely to agree to a rendezvous with a loved one. Believe me, the result will not disappoint you!