Massage effects: weight loss and not only ...

 "Massage" - immediately after uttering the word consciousness overcome fond memories of relaxing the hands of the masseur, relaxation and tranquility of the body as physically and morally. Massage brings calm, relaxes muscles, heals, helps to achieve beauty and elasticity of the skin, slim figure and lead to normal muscle.

Under the heading Diet: A low-fat diet

Todaymassage - This is one of the most useful fashion trends of our time. To keep up with fashion and go "with the times" seeks any self-respecting man. Beauty and health of your body, calm and balance - are the main results of proper and competent massage. Furthermore, in combination with other classes in fitness or exercise, dieting and slimming massage helps get rid of unattractive and boring to all of cellulite.

The cost of a massage varies so much that talking about some average price is quite difficult. You can find a massage therapist who will hold a session for 150 rubles, and the other would require no less than $ 150.

The word "massage", translated from the Greek, means to knead, knead or stroke. Quality and results of the massage depends largely on the efforts of good faith and technology masseur. Massage techniques do not stand still, fans of the business - experienced masseurs creative approach to solving this issue and are constantly developing, trying new techniques.

As there are many ways to massage, and consider each of them there is no way you can classify types of massage on ways effect on the body: hand, foot, hardware, combined.

Manual or manual massage - The most traditional and commonly used method of massage. Its huge advantage is that the masseur's hands come into contact with the body directly, it allows the use of the property is an individual approach to each client. Master himself feels and decides which parts of the body and to what extent in need of assistance, and selects the most appropriate methods of influence.

Buthand massage also has its drawbacks - the result of the procedure depends on the ability, mood, well-being and fatigue specialist.

Body massage using feet there was a very long time. The first master of the foot massage appeared in the eastern baths. Today, foot massage - the most commonly used by athletes with increased muscle tone for healing and relaxation, further relaxing train the body.

Of the exceptions foot massage - people were injured with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, sciatica.

Apparatus massage - Massage using a special apparatus is divided into vibratory, pneumomassage (vacuum) and hydro.

What isvibrotherapeutics? The principle of the method is quite simple: the vibration coming from the unit, excites the nerves that have ceased to function, and calms too excited. Weak vibrations stimulate neural activity, and strong - on the contrary, hinder it.

Pneumomassage used to improve blood circulation, improve tissue trophism, increase muscle tone. The principle of this type of soot masses can be compared with the effect on skin health cans: massaged to give pad surface attached to a machine that is filled with air by a pump and then is released from it.

Hydromassage indispensable for relaxation feet. It improves overall health, underwater massage relaxes the bubbles, and massage with a strong jet of water, called a power shower, helps to combat cellulite and excess weight.

Many people already know about the availability of special devices - baths. Vibrant and warm water, light vibration, bubbles relieve muscle tension and swelling.

The main advantageshardware massage refers accuracy of the set parameters. But this advantage is sometimes turns into a disadvantage, because the machine will not be able to approach the massage procedure individually. In addition to all the above, the massage with massage device has many contraindications. Apparatus massage using special cosmetics usually do in specialized health and fitness center or beauty salons. Cheapest procedure will cost 500 rubles.

In order to select the method of massage, you must first decide on the account the expected result.

If you want to relax - suitable relaxation massage that relaxes the muscles acts, thereby calming the body and brain. During the session disappears anxiety, reduced muscle tension, normalizes blood circulation, pain disappears quickly. The body relaxes and warms.

Massage hygienic carried out in order to prevent diseases and body care.

Wellness Massage (Also known as therapeutic, prophylactic or Swedish) - a collection of oriental techniques and modern principles of anatomy and physiology. Each technique is performed in a certain sequence and causes a variety of changes in the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. Depending on the desired outcome, the strength and duration of exposure can be obtained tonic or a calming effect. Massage relieve physical tension, and with it will go away anxiety, sadness or irritability.

Self-massage suitable for everyone. Its main advantage is that which someone better to know your body better than you own. You better know and feel where to put pressure to the body's reaction occurred faster. But myself, unfortunately, do not do a full body massage and do not lie down, relax during the procedure on the couch.
But some self-massage techniques are applicable and often indispensable in everyday life: massage the face and neck, massage the fingers, shoulder muscles and back, etc.

To achieve therapeutic effects of massage fitsegmental (medical) massage. The main idea of ​​this type of massage is that the human body - a single entity, and any disease process is not local, catfish, and disease of the whole organism. Massaging one area of ​​the body you are working on various internal organs. Sessions segmental massage is best done before bedtime. To achieve the therapeutic effect of their duration should be adjusted individually.

With injuries and diseases of the joints usedcryomassageIt reduces pain, decreases nervous sensitivity, helps to prevent or reduce swelling with bruises, cuts and sprains. Cryomassage subject may be snow, ice, objects filled with cold water, or with a cloth dampened it. Massage should be not only a place of injury, but the area around it. The procedure chosen individually for each, but do not exceed 4 - 5 minutes.

, "Shiatsu" or acupressure, Also called acupuncture (acupressure) - is pressing on akupunktkurnye point fingers. This action makes it possible to achieve deep relaxation of the body, and hence its recovery. Massage technique was invented in china. Master of acupuncture argue that using this method of massage can maintain the current level of vital energy or resume its natural course with some abuse, and to do so can anyone hope.

Honey massage help in diseases of the spine, discomfort in the joints, colds, radiculitis, chronic fatigue. He helps to remove the effect of "orange peel" adsorbs toxins released pores of the skin, and promotes their rapid removal from the body.

Percussion massage - It is a way of massage using tapping. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, colds, improves blood and lymph circulation, stimulates pulmonary ventilation,
For perfection of the soul and beauty of your body you can resort to the method of Thai massage. This is not a kind of sexual services, as many think. He, like traditional Chinese medicine and Indian yoga, based on the doctrine of the invisible energy lines running through the body. Traditional Thai massage has a positive effect on the internal organs and tissues, which is achieved by means of a pleasant state of relaxation. Thai massage masters see the maximum effect in long sessions.

Anti-cellulite massage help to improve the figure. It is not necessary to be used in combination with diet, exercise. Before the massage, warm up the body with the help of certain cosmetics.

Author: Alexander Yadryshnikova

Tags: effect, slimming