Carefully, SPA!

 - Where are u from? - Asks girlfriend.

- Yes, so - casually say - from spa-salon ...

- Oooh! - Sees her envious sigh.

- I want to!  

Under the heading Diet: Skinny Diet

Since then, the word "spa" in our country learned everything from small to large, it denotes not merely a set of procedures, and the whole lifestyle, luxurious and inviting. Imagination draws alluring picture: here you are located on a special table and closed her eyes, and soft hands, meanwhile, conjure over your body. Or you have decided on a chocolate wrap and inhale the smells divine, enjoying the warmth and comfort. Amazing, is not it? Unfortunately, not all sunshine and striving for perfect appearance and blindly trusting advertising, you may be trapped. After spa has its contraindications and side effects. You did not know about? Then perhaps it's time to find out.

To walk in the spa good
Is the principle on which the majority of women choose spa-treatments, in general, it is no secret: the decisive role played by the experience of girlfriends, recommendations magazines and information found on the Internet. And this is natural - a man guided by authoritative opinion, when confronted with something new and unknown. Except that in the case of the spa, this approach does not work, and it is possible that the procedure which led to the delight of the fifth Masha apartments, you will leave a negative impression and weakness throughout the body. Why so? The fact that the results of any effect on the organism depends on his body, individual features.

According to the physiotherapist, PhD Nina Lazarenko, "first of all we are talking about the presence of certain diseases in acute or chronic form." Of particular concern is the inflammation of the pelvis - as the statistics show, this is one of the most common problems in women older than 30 years, and some are not even aware of the existence of such a breach themselves. Meanwhile, any heating (which is a hammam, jacuzzi and spa-fangled capsules) in inflammation strictly contraindicated - even encouraged to take a bath with caution, not to mention the rather lengthy and complex procedures. Violating the ban could exacerbate disease: painful sensations, weakness, sometimes even bleeding. And, as you yourself know, a normal sex life in this situation is simply impossible.

The most common symptoms of inflammation - nagging abdominal pain and menstrual irregularities. If you feel that something is wrong, do not pull an address to the gynecologist. In the early stages of the disease course of antibiotics is usually sufficient, while in severe cases may even require surgery.

In addition to gynecological problems, contraindications to spa can be a kidney, heart, hypertension and acute laryngitis. Even during a common cold, doctors advise to give up all procedures. We'll have to disappoint those who hope to help get rid of depression spa if your depressed state is not due to lack of flowers from her husband on the anniversary of your first kiss, and the problem deeper, physiological order, and the most exquisite ritual situation can only worsen. This is due to the fact that many procedures affect hormones. For example, iodine, which is part of most popular tools for thalassotherapy (wrapping seaweed), inhibits the production of estrogen, so be careful in the pursuit of smooth hips and slender silhouette.

However, do not take all these contraindications as a categorical ban on visiting spa-treatments. After all, even vitamins are limited and may not be suitable to all, but most of us that does not stop taking them for the good of the body. And from the spa - with the right approach, in consultation with a specialist, you can always choose for themselves the best option. Just take it a rule: if you feel a health problem, do not try to get rid of them by following the procedures in the cabin. The fact that there are working people in white coats, does not mean anything.

Beauty on a note
Visiting the spa, as you have probably realized, this is not just a symbol of the good life and the path to the ideal body. This complex set of procedures that you might have on both positive and negative effects, and because their purpose must obey certain rules. Value has almost everything: the type of procedure, the duration of the session, the intensity, and even then, what time do you plan to do them. The latter is often overlooked, and it is no secret that good salons in the spa line up real queue. As a result, you are not recorded in the optimal, and free time. However, the procedure carried out somewhere between the meeting and important business meetings can not bring you any benefit or pleasure.

According to dermatologist Irina Cybulski, "many people forget or just do not know that most types of spa directed not to pleasant relaxation, and elimination of toxins. If the session turned out to be really effective in the lymphatic system run serious processes - respectively, the internal organs are working in emergency mode and experiencing a real stress, although the consequences of this stress is very favorable. It is clear that excessive activity after the procedure only exacerbates the situation. The organism has the full right to answer the strike and put you to bed for the next few days. "

It is better not to wait for such a turn of events, but most go to bed after visiting spa, treat yourself to a few hours if not a good sleep, the sybaritic bliss and pleasure. Turn on soft music, read a magazine, chatting with a girlfriend ... But you never know what can do the modern woman who is in a hurry, even within a single day! However, there are things that are just not worth it to do, namely, to sort things out with your loved ones, evil gossip, ugly capricious, and the like. Cleaned - so clean, you know ...

In addition to turn its attention on the so-called "day spa», existing now in most major salons. At first glance - great! Instead of a single procedure, you offered a series, and thus the effect should be much higher, based on the banal logic. That may be so. But only if the number of procedures does not exceed two or three different types of impacts. For example, chocolate wrapping plus spa-manicure plus a scalp massage. Or hot tub, followed by peeling, basic facials and spa-pedicure. You may ask, what does the rest of the time? And just relax - drink herbal tea, to intimate conversations with the guru of cosmetology or, if your mobile phone is connected to the Internet, go to the forum and share their feelings. You've come to the salon for pleasant experiences, no? If suddenly become quite boring (which we, however, doubt), volunteered with a professional make-up - a thing not only nice, but also very useful. 

And finally, take note of a few banal truths that not all Russian beauty salons are still remembered. The first is the quality of service - do not you just have to smile and offer coffee and detail to answer all your questions, talk about the specifics of procedures, to recommend ways and means of home care. A true professional is always itself will offer a particular procedure, based on the purpose of your visit and the existing problems, but be careful: if you strongly advised to anti-cellulite program, even though you actually came to the comprehensive care of hands is likely salon just trying to earn a you money. Of course, this program can be conducted at the highest level and to be commended. But think about it, so if you need it. In general, do you have cellulite?

Do not panic ahead of time if, pinching yourself for hip, you found on the skin irregularities. You would not a skeleton, after all! And have to have body fat. However, in cases when it really comes to cellulite, much experience is not worth it, because the bad nerves - an additional factor contributing to the development of an insidious scourge.

Another important point - your safety. Yes, you heard right, it security. All appliances in the cabin must be OK, and the master is obliged to work in the new sterile gloves. It is clear that you do not explore polezesh wiring and require the conclusion of an electrician, dated yesterday number. But agreed that if the device is plugged-in, begins to spark and publish threatening sounds, it is better to look for another salon. As for hygiene, any use tool designed for reusable application must pass a special heat treatment. Notorious gloves, by the way, are extracted from the bag and put on in your presence - you have the right to demand this. It is the same with cosmetic substances - ideally they should be enclosed in individual packaging and only apply for one client. You ask, What's wrong with the standard jar? Just the fact that fatty Wednesday creams and masks in contact with oxygen becomes an excellent breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria. And there comes oxygen every time you open this same jar. Possible, of course, that the funds in individual packaging will increase the cost of the procedure. But think itself, is a payment for your health. And if it really wants to save ... Maybe then easier to stay at home?

Tags: spa