Authoritatively about the soul of Charcot

 Charcot's shower is named after the French neurologist and psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot, who invented the shower. This struevoy shower - water jet directed at a person from a distance of 3-4 meters at a pressure of 4 atmospheres. In Charcot two jets - hot water (up to forty degrees) and cold (twenty degrees). Such a contrast and gives a remarkable therapeutic effect - increases blood flow to all organs, improves the function of blood vessels, shower helps to eliminate toxins, has a tonic and tonic effect.  

Under the heading Diet: Carbohydrate alternation

This can particularly recommend this procedure?

It is useful to all, especially after exercise, after exercise - muscles are toned, tense, due to the massage they become more elastic, improves blood flow and outflow. In addition, it is helpful for depression - power shower "fits" to the rhythm of modern life, raises the tone and mood. Restriction - varicose veins, but in this case the affected area can not simply massage. You also need to be careful to people with high blood pressure and after a heart attack.

How often should take power shower?

It is best to regularly after training in a fitness club, for example, three times a week, and after the massage - it invigorates, improves mood and increases efficiency.

According to the materials

Tags: shower