Permanent make-up

 Permanent makeup - also known as cosmetic tattooing - a procedure deposition of tiny, invisible to the naked eye, pigments on the dermal layer of the skin. Is a kind of shallow tattoo. To create a permanent make-up used techniques such as micropigmentation, transplant micropigments and dermal schedule.  

Flower horoscope

To perform tattooing used traditional techniques (when make-up done by a professional unit), stylus (rotary engine) and a manual (manual) method.

The most popular tattoo eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, filling space mezhresnichnogo change in contour and color of the lips and skin grafting, camouflaging scars, imitation hairline restoration of facial contours and fix birthmarks. Some of these procedures are more advanced and are classified as paramedics. To perform paramedical procedures need a qualified doctor last long specialized training.

The application of permanent cosmetics consists of several stages: initial consultation, the actual procedure tattoo (guidance and filling loop) that lasts a couple of hours, and about 2-3 for further examination and consultation. To perform the following procedures require less time, they can, if necessary, correct the contour and color of the coloring pigment. In general, the total cost is $ 400 tattoo $ 600, and the implementation of more rigorous procedures will cost another $ 150 per hour.

Permanent make-up - the perfect solution for different categories of people, such as patients with alopecia (hair loss), the last chemotherapy, underwent surgery (especially for the victims of the fire), people with impaired motor skills or diseases of view, as well as people suffering from allergies to cosmetics. Advantages of the tattoo will appreciate the mother of young children, women's employment, as well as patients vetiligo. As usual tattoo, tattoo discolored over time, so you need to periodically update it. Because permanent makeup - invasive procedure, patients may feel some discomfort. The degree of discomfort determined by the individual patient's sensitivity and skill of a specialist performing the tattoo. Help reduce discomfort topical anesthetic ointment or anesthetic block.

When looking for professional and salon, pay attention not only on the price and prestige saloon, but primarily on the qualifications of the employee salon that will perform this procedure - it should take at least 40 hours of training, have a versatile and long practical experience with real patients . Be sure to ask to see pictures of the work done and prepare questions for an initial consultation. Be sure to note whether to change the sheets for each patient as sterile equipment, needles, gloves, as well as the appearance of the expert - he has to be careful, to be able to professionally answer all questions and explain all the possible consequences and risks of the procedure. It should also warn of the possibility of allergic reactions to pigments and perform a quick check of the pigment on the skin at your request.