Perfect makeup

 You half an hour imposed perfect makeup and at the end came to the conclusion that something is wrong. What to do? All wash off and start again? Such troubles happen to each of us. We hope that our tips will help you become a little more beautiful.

You half an hour imposed perfect makeup and at the end came to the conclusion that something is wrong - you do not like your reflection in the mirror. What to do? All wash off and start again? Or try to correct? Such troubles happen to each of us. We hope that our tips will help you become a little more beautiful.

Perfect makeup

1. You have caused too much foundation

One of the most common errors. If the rest of the makeup you have already dealt, then do this: take a clean sponge, wetting it in a circular motion and remove excess cream. Sponzhik must be perfectly clean, with no signs outside cosmetics. Be careful with the area around the eyes - here are doing everything the same and then dub all his fingertips.

2. Shadows on the lids too dark

If eye makeup is too dark and you need a little fix this do the following. If a trouble occurred on the upper eyelid, then take a clean brush and remove excess shadow. Can be applied to light shade in the place where you want to lighten up. If your beautician there are no shadows, use powder. If you need to remove the excess from the shadows of the lower eyelid, use a cotton swab. Maybe after removing the excess with the lower eyelid will need to slightly adjust the area around the eye Correction.

3. Too much rouge

If your cheeks looked like cheeks Marfushenki-darling of the fairy tale Jack Frost, the easiest way to remove excess or clean sponge or powder transparent powder.

4. Eyebrows

When we paint the eyebrows black, the important thing is not to overdo it, otherwise our view would be heavy and can not recognize themselves in the mirror. If this happened, then take a clean cotton swab and wipe away the excess until your view will not be familiar to you and others

5. Mascara smeared on the eyelids

Nothing wrong with that. It is not necessary to wash off all makeup from eyes. Take a cotton swab and remove the ink. Then apply the desired shade of shadow on the same area of ​​the eye.

Tags: makeup