Makeup Trends Spring-Summer 2007

 A little more about the trends spring-summer make-up of world famous brands.


Charming and energetic femininity. If a woman walking down the street, it seems that it soars. Such rapidly move through life. Girl in the style of Dior - cosmopolitan, she cheerfully plays its strength and sensuality. Their large bags are always fraught with many secrets, such as the creation of products for their elegant beauty. Pastel colors mixed with bright colors - all for seduction. It always goes forward. And men are willing to go for it.

Maybelline Jade

Wild jungle in a big city. Exotic, brightness and a little passion - new trends. Now trendy makeup reflects the influence of the Far East and Africa. The girl who chooses that style - craves adventure and independence. Born Free - so you can describe it.

Giorgio Armani

In the spring Armani offers us a modern, fresh look at the makeup. Extensive palette of colors and different textures. Fresh face and bright eyes - femininity and sexuality. All in the style of Armani.


Look at the color of the eyes of a child. Expand your playfulness. Immerse yourself in a fantasy world and isypayte chudestny when peremeshivayutsya colors and everything is possible.


Fresh paint and romance - all too reminiscent of spring flowers. As a mild summer evening refreshes your look, and a new line of shades of makeup will make you more charming. Little pearl and brown shades and your unique image brightness remind roses and orchids tenderness.

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