
 What yesterday was considered kitsch - in the wake of today. Do not be afraid to break down stereotypes, and you will be awarded the title of the most stylish among their friends. JustLady, a trendy makeup and rules that can be forgotten!

Shadow play

Blush with the effect of sunburn will make the complexion fresh and healthy

Porcelain skin is no accident displaces so popular before the sun shades: Bronze powder and blush palettes do not allow the face look radiant and rested, while lighter skin priori looks young and fresh.

Effect "glow from within" easy to achieve with blush pink and beige tones with light reflecting particles. Tense debate about the make-up artists and the feasibility of using a transparent compact powder: it is considered as necessary to touch, the final make-up, and completely useless piece.

Stylists recommend the company Chanel light and silky Poudre Universal Libre from its winter collection, which covers the skin with a thin veil and gives it a shimmering shade.

Shadows should choose the same color as the color of the eyes

Smoky gray shadow on the eyes, of course, underline them, but it will look boring. Take a chance to play on contrasts: blue-suited reddish, sand and bronze shades. But at the same time forget about the light-blue, green and plum shades.

Owners of green eyes like "metallic" - purple, warm and cold purple, dark gray, bronze and terracotta. Avoid dark blue, light blue and pale pink.

Brown eyes look more expressive if their shade palette, starting from ocher and olive to bronze. Avoid pink and orange shades.

Plum or pale lilac shades - the choice ladies with gray-green eyes. However, in order to avoid the effect of "tearful" or tired eyes, pink and purple colors should be diluted with more natural gray, chocolate, beige.

And, of course, choosing a shade, you need to focus on skin tone and hair.


Only black mascara can make your eyes expressive

At the root of the incorrect statement. Anthracite mascara can except that emphasize the shape of the eyes, and the color will be revealed only by color.

Light blue, blue and gray eyes go "related" different shades of color intensity. Particularly courageous young lady will appreciate and celadon. Green- and brown-eyed gaze will help to emphasize the depth of gray and chocolate ink. Dark blue and purple tones fascinating - are universal. Pay attention to the fact that the color of your eyelashes should be brighter than the shade of eyeliner upper eyelid.

Regardless of the purpose of mascara - whether it's giving the volume or length - makeup artists always apply paint zigzag movements, lifting at the base of cilia, rather than "increasing" tips endless layers.

Eyebrows must be executed perfectly - they have to be "surprised and raised," as recommended by Vera in "office romances"

Makeup artists never tire of repeating, there is nothing organically wide, not knowing trimming eyebrows. Well maintained, further accentuated shadows or soft pencil, they are incredibly relevant.

But if you are unhappy with the shape or long eyebrows, then adjusting them, guided by the rules: the inner edge should be on the same vertical line with the corner of his eye, and external - in line with the corner of the lips and the outer corner of the eye. Radically change the natural pattern eyebrows still not worth it. Highlighting the bend using makeup, choose a quiet tones: brown, gray or khaki.

Bold contours

Emphasis - or eyes, or lips

Immediately debunked two myths. First, try on a daring way, be brave and do not be afraid to place not one but several accents. Combine dramatic eyes with dark, gleaming lips with moisture. Secondly, according to the creators of the collection "Playing in the Dark" by Clinique, exquisite and deep shades are not just for the evening, but also for everyday makeup.

Irina Volkova, makeup Clinique, creates a fatal glance, using a palette of three shades of shadows. The lightest shade is applied from the base of the eyelashes to the eyebrows, the middle - on the mobile eyelid and a darker tone is used as a liner. Lips can make up lipstick saturated colors, seductive red wine. To create the effect of humidity is not superfluous to put a drop of gloss in the center of the lower lip.

Liner makes lips clear and does not give lipstick preprinted

Circled dark brown lips contour - an echo of bygone '60s, and is not cause for nostalgia. Texture of modern lipsticks allows you to forget about pencils.

The alternative they become brush with which to apply lipstick: they are easy to create the perfect shape prorisovyvaya while all texture of the skin of the lips. In addition, the brush is convenient to mix colors. After all, no professional makeup artist is not one tone lipstick lipstick, and try to create an interesting multi-dimensional color.

The play of light and shadow, Put a dark base, and on the contour of the lower lip and the top center apply a light lipstick or gloss - it will make lips relief.

At Your Fingertips

Color nail polish should match the tone of lipstick

With the advent of technology, "nail art" manicure has become a full part of the image of the girl, and the rule "tone on tone" can now forget. Fashionista nails can be decorated with the most incredible details: pictures, sequins, sparkles, dried or artificial flowers and even tiny portraits.

Changes undergone even the classic French manicure, becoming more natural: to replace the snow-white lacquer covering the tip of the nail comes tone tea rose.

Andrei Shilkov, Chanel makeup artist advises: "Remember that the hands - always in the spotlight. So Manicure choose shining and festive colors. Extremely elegant look deep shades of red and bewitching black tulip."

You can not mix flavors

In a fashion - personality. And what could be more tempting than to come up with your own fragrance?
Gap brand launched a line of "Editors flavors", consisting of 12 easy to combine scents, and The Body Shop offered range from 9 vials, with which you can make 362,880 different combinations of perfume.

Working on individual toilet water, it is necessary to consider some rules:
• First mix the flavors simple, consisting of a single sheet;
• It is best to combine the smells of a certain group: the flower or fresh;
• Wood and citrus essential oils are combined perfectly with almost any combination;
• First apply a heavy flavor, or one that you do dominant, then top - light.
• Optional sprayed one scent to another: Put on different wrist drop, and smells mixed up in a natural way.

Julia Kotikova

Tags: game classic