In particular, experiments have shown that some odors, e.g.,the smell of mint, can reduce appetite, thereby promoting weight lossOr to reduce the craving for smoking (lemon and geranium). This is explained by the fact that each scent evokes certain associations, acting on the subconscious. And it was born from the subconscious irresistible desire.
For example, minty smell is associated with toothpaste, chewing gum and tablets from motion sickness - that is the smell that people often feel after a meal, or when there is not desirable. Since there is no cigarette smell or lemon geranium, the smell is not associated with smoking and helping people to kill the craving for cigarettes.
The main problem standing in the way developers such lipsticks - Is getting used to the smell and regional and individual differences in reaction to the smell. Since olfactory receptors eventually cease to respond to the odor impact aromatic lipstick will not be long.
Furthermore, in various countries on the physiological response may be different odor. For example, the Americans smell of cinnamon is associated with holidays and cause mood elevation, while the French cinnamon is associated with medications.
Vanilla smell has a calming effect on the Americans, but for other people in this smell is nothing special. Nevertheless, a number of cosmetic companies have already started production magic lipstick. How successful will this direction - remains to be seen.