Little known secrets is not all ...

 Understanding of its beauty in every age is different, similar only the first steps. Each has its own life and experience and that they form the "beauty secret" women.

14-15 years - Adolescence - this is one of the worst periods in the life of a girl. The body is growing and, as a rule, not even, face covered with black spots and pimples teen. It's all terribly and not pleasant and, at 15, seems to be a disaster. Tall, thin and foldable, the morning starts with unpleasant encounter with a mirror. But want to look as beautiful as the cover girl: they are beautiful, slim, skin is clean: no single trait and want to be like them. After all, a boy from a parallel class does not pay attention to you if you do not bring a myself up.

So the girls begin to get acquainted with makeup.

This way every girl begins the same way: she looks than good mom. The girl did not think about the fact that her mother's cream will not work, because of the age difference, and tries it first, well, if without unpleasant consequences: It is as lucky, getting sovesem not the result I expected, or not getting anything, she buys magazines and read a wide variety of tips, listens to advice admiring friends (not always intelligent and truthful), due to the young age again cast aside the mask of cucumber and other natural methods, and took the money is sent to the nearest store. Here the choice of cosmetics based on two factors: how much money and have advised that in the magazine, but, more importantly, if, after the purchase of cream is enough for this beautiful jar with bright shades, and this varnish with sparkles, it will be just fine. I'll be the most beautiful!

Fortunately, the period passes quickly, and literally, within a year of it there are only vague memories, as a rule, do not correspond to the truth.

Now she reads other magazines and looks to other sites. Conversations with friends change level. In 17-18t years, she considers herself an adult and wants to be an adult, she begins to worry about wrinkles, count calories, and a boy with a parallel course it is unlikely to be interested. She continues to read fashion magazines, but now, carefully follow their advice. When going to the store, it is not only important to follow the advice of the magazine, but also tell a friend about what brand it bought a cream or mascara: And in this age of the girl usually starts walking on beauty salons, not only to make a new hairstyle, but also look to the beautician to try out his new mask for the face, make the skin. Whereas before, she did as bright as can be more noticeable makeup to all his notice! Now, it is a long time leafing through a magazine, looks at the pictures, read the articles and the latest trends, and only after that girl sit down in front of the mirror and tries to reproduce as closely as possible the fantasy of fashion designers on her face. 

And flew first love ended tedious study:20 years.
Just a few years ago, it seemed like it so far, but so beautiful figure beckoned.
Girl dreams and often said: But he coveted age, then they dream: all sovesm is not presented here paths diverge ... and here begins to appear "mystery"

I'm a little late. ~ _ ~ "21 years I handed gos.ekszameny at the institute. Before that, I never leave home without, but then it all did not matter: there were other priorities. Exams are over, and I liked to go without makeup on her face. Be yourself. I still feel like the most beautiful and important.

And so it is. I do not care wrinkles around the eyes, and when they become available, I will accept it as a new feature of my appearance, because they will mean new, unknown period in my life. During the meal, do not count calories, and never indulge in a favorite cakes. If you do not think about them, and just have fun, then I will never not one extra folds.

Of course life in the metropolis obliges women to seek additional funds. to be beautiful. There is a means by which you can not refuse, here are my:

The Firstin fact it is no secret. Cleansing and moisturizing.
About 2 times a week I do a mask, facial scrub from the following mixture: Moisturizing Facial Cleanser mixed with coffee-grounds. In the morning, drink a lot of coffee. However, it is possible not only to drink.

It's very simple. You cook coffee in Turku, coffee drink itself, and from the midst of brewed coffee and leave poured into any flat container and leave to dry. When it dries out and becomes crumbly, mix it with milk for the face. Should get a uniform brownish mass, moderately thick. It should not leak, but avoid lumps. Apply this mixture on the face layer, leave on for 10-12 minutes, and after rubbing movements go over the entire face, just as you would normally use a scrub. After this rinse.
Coffee perfectly clean pores and also has a positive effect on the overall sense.
The Result: clear skin and healthy complexion.

Second. Soft and radiant skin.
Mix the night cream (it should be in moderation in bold) with pearl powder, yes it is natural pearl powder. I buy it in the center of Chinese medicine. Pearl is packed in small bottles, one bottle is enough for a one jar of cream, a volume of about 10-20ml, and 50ml need 2. (pearl powder, also sold in conventional pharmacies, department vitamins)
The Result: several applications and skin will shine natural and healthy glow, become soft and velvety.

In addition, there is one more: remember the movie? That is the most important thing: you have to believe in yourself and love yourself, to admire them and not just believe what you are, but know this.

Author: Maria Sviridov

Tags: secret