Dreams of beautiful eyelashes

 Performing daily make-up, about a third of our attention we pay lashes. Despite the care, they often drop out, look lifeless and sparse. How to return the eyelashes to life and, in general, what we know about them?

Nourishes and moisturizes eyelashes.

Eyelashes, like the hair on the head and body, 90% consist of a special protein - keratin. In the course of our lives constantly lashes fall out, but in their place new ones grow. This process, in most cases goes unnoticed by owner.

However, if the eyelash growth slowed down, the loss becomes noticeable not only to you but also to others. In addition, loss of eyelashes may increase. The cause of these symptoms become substandard cosmetics, incorrect removal of makeup, allergies, stress, neurosis, fatigue, poor nutrition, taking drugs, thyroid dysfunction, as well as inflammatory diseases of the eye (blepharitis, conjunctivitis).

In each case, the cause of loss of eyelashes especially individual, and if the situation gets out of control or you see other unpleasant symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor.

At home for the effective care of eyelashes, you can use the same techniques as for the hair of the head - a hydrating mask based on vegetable oils and fat-soluble vitamins. There are many variations, but we have tried to highlight the main points.

So recipe. It may be pure castor oil, almond oil, olive oil or burdock, fish oil (rich in Vitamin A He - main component strengthens our eyelashes), vitamin E oil solution or oil with vitamin E or vitamin "Aevitum" oil.

For storage of treasured bottle can be used from the carcass, but first it must be very carefully washed and dried. Use firming oil every day, dealing with a brush to clean dry lashes, starting from the bottom and moving to the tips.

Dip the brush into the oil, let it drain and literally comb first top, then lower lashes. Try to get closer to the roots of eyelashes brush, but be careful: Avoid getting oil on the mucous membrane of the eye. This will lead to a feeling oily veil on the eyes, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

For such a lasting effect nutritional procedure for eyelashes should be carried out within a month, if necessary repeat several times a year.

• If your eyelids are receptive to herbal ingredients, the strengthening of eyelashes and eyelid skin food, you can use a mixture of massage: vegetable oil with finely chopped parsley or aloe juice. An additional massage effect of active components increases, approaching the onset of the desired effect.

• In addition, the suit cool compresses with herbs (extracts of cornflower, chamomile, sage). You can also use Black tea.

Note that the growth of eyelashes (as well as the condition of hair on his head) will improve if you take special vitamins for beauty hair and nails (Vita-charm, beauty-Vitrum).

Tags: eyelash dream