Do not frown, beautiful!

 Even the most perfect ladies have at least one cosmetic harmful habit. Eradicate them with women's magazine JustLady!

The habit of spoiling manicure

When nervous, his hands instinctively reach out to your mouth? Apart from the fact that the port shape of the nail, you risk to bring an infection. Love otkolupyvat varnish? Keep in mind that with him, you scraped the top protective cover of the nail. And do not be surprised if the nails start to exfoliate and become brittle.

How to beat the habit:

There are special nail polish against obkusyvaniya. They have a specific smell and taste disgusting. After a couple of days, you will notice that you try to keep your hands away from your face.

The skin around the nail looked neat and tidy, and did not appear burrs carefully softens the cuticle. Use the special oil and choose a hand cream fatter. Another option - to go to a beauty salon and build yourself gel nails.

Asked to make a thicker ends - so it will be harder to bite your nails. And spoil the beauty - sorry. To varnish kept longer, do not forget about fixing agent. Once the lacquer nachet flake, wash it with a special liquid.

The habit of abusing tonal resources

Everyone wants to have a perfect skin - you are so not alone. Just pay attention - as foundation you superimposed on his face? The street lighting is brighter and use masking agent further draws attention to the shortcomings.

A wrong shade tonalnika will give its presence on the skin. In addition, the skin needs to breathe, so the foundation should be applied in thin layers.

How to beat the habit:

Concealer is used only in extreme cases - sometimes you can do only one powder.

If a pimple or a shadow under the eyes of an urgent need to "delete" Wear neat, apply a thin layer.

Shade of foundation chosen very carefully. It may be darker or lighter shade of your natural skin tone only. Otherwise cream spots lie, and thus face will look unnatural.

Too much shine

A common habit of many girls - a thick layer of lipstick gloss. Sticky, too shiny lips look not very attractive. Gloss should be used to a minimum. Thin layer enough to lips charmingly brightened.

How to beat the habit:

Abandon abuse shine, worth at least because in fashion, make up promptly returned haze.

If you refuse to shine does not want to give preference to lip balm. With him and too far harder, and in addition it protects lips and looks after them.

Habit often frown

Habit wince just seems harmless. Active facial expressions over time can cause early wrinkles. With age, the skin collagen production decreases and the skin manifest traces of your active facial expressions.

How to beat the habit:

Keep the facial expressions is impossible. But you can keep reminding myself about possible wrinkles.

Frowning face and take a picture. Photo put on the desktop to make it every time reminds you of a bad habit.

And do not forget to use the special makeup of facial wrinkles.

The habit of squeezing pimples

Although you know it's bad, it is still sometimes squeeze pimples hated. And yet, it only exacerbates the situation. The skin becomes inflamed, which is why acne can appear again in the same place. From permanent injury to the skin may remain scars. And get rid of them is much more complicated than acne.

How to beat the habit:

Daily thoroughly cleanses the skin, because you have long known that acne occur when the pores are clogged.

Already jumped pimple-treat special gel local action. The structure of such funds include salicylic acid, and it must be applied directly to the place where is about to appear or has already jumped "disgusting." Gel removes redness, and a couple of days pimple disappear.

The habit of biting the lips

The skin on the lips several times thinner than on the face. Precisely because so much lip react to wind, sun and other weather factors. And if you're still biting or licking every day of their ...

How to beat the habit:

Before applying lipstick, moisturizing lip balm.

Drink more water - lips become dry due to a lack of fluid in the body.
Once a week, do a soft peeling lips - Wet the tip of the towel and gently rub his lips. Then apply a moisturizer or lip balm.

Tags: beauty