Autumn - the best time for peeling

 Autumn - the best time for the face and body peeling. Scrubs and gommazhi, as well as beauty treatments with fruit acids - that is now necessary to your skin. Peeling - a cleansing pores and removing dead cells. The older the woman, the more often requires peeling. After 25 years, this procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.

Scrub is applied to cleansed face, Avoiding the eye area. Wet your fingers in water and massage the face of the massage lines. Facial peels better to choose on the basis of enzymes to gently exfoliate. Sometimes after peeling facial redness remains for a long time. Buying scrub note which components are used as listening grains. Particles of wax, paraffin, polyethylene beads smaller injure the skin.

The main purpose of peeling - Cleansing the face, this procedure eliminates the "black spots" and all kinds of acne, the causes of which can be very different. Today, most salons practice mainly mechanical and manual types of cleansing.

 Manual cleaning - The process quite laborious and long, but it is important every step. Cleansed face pre-steamed. It is painful. But the main point lies not in the result, and the consequences. Prepare to advance that at least a day your face will not be "marketable." Red and swollen nose, spots and inflammation, very small ones - can help unless moisturizing mask or a soothing tonic without alcohol. For too sensitive skin, as such, may turn out to be fat, this procedure is not appropriate.

It is necessary to saya few words about the vaporization, That is, Steaming. Remember that the steam bath is strictly prohibited to those who are on the face of dilated blood vessels.

Vacuum cleanerCompared to manual cleaning, it may seem a light massage. Thanks to this technology grease tube literally sucked out of the pores. However, many experts believe that vacuum cleaning is not always possible to completely clean the pores of acne.

On the other hand, with the help of such a tube is easy enough to remove grease tube out of reach for manual cleaning, so many beauticians successfully combined with manual vacuum method. Only vacuum is applied only in cases of a small pollution far and with a limited number of pimples. By the way, with the "black spots" he copes wonderful and completely painless.

Dry cleaning face with ANA (Fruit acids) will help open the pores and thus replace the steam bath. Then the composition is applied on the face with a higher acid content, which heats the skin and softens and even partially dissolve the fatty rods. The procedure is completed with a soothing mask pores effect.

This cleaning method is officially recognized as the non-traumatic. Recovery period in this case is also reduced to a minimum. And because the fruit acids stimulate active cell renewal, skin after a cleaning looks very fresh.

Remove all acne using fruit acids virtually impossible. So do not be surprised if most of the pimples will remain at their "legitimate" places, though become less noticeable. Remember, and that at a very sensitive skin may become irritated. And in general, the procedure is quite favorable and, most importantly, virtually safe. If the term "acne" you unfamiliar, but the pimple you remember once a month, this method was invented just for you.

Another method -Desincrustation or ionization of the skin mask or lotion, depending on skin condition. Particular drug that is applied to the acne affected zone contains antiinflammatory, wound healing and other components, the effect of which is enhanced by the action of galvanic current. In this case, the contents then diluted and stretched. The main "plyuchy" - non-traumatic and painless. In order to achieve good results, the procedure must be repeated more than one or two times. And it is not cheap.

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