Ectopic pregnancy

 Ectopic pregnancy - pregnancy, the localization of the ovum outside the uterine cavity (entopicheskaya pregnancy).

This pathology often require emergency care, such as the interruption of pregnancy is often associated with significant internal bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy in 98% of cases is localized in the fallopian tubes. Rarely occurring form - in the ovaries. Possible implantation (attachment) of the ovum in its infancy (rudimentary) uterine horn and rarely in the abdomen.

By the development of ectopic pregnancy cause violation of normal function of the fallopian tubes. The main cause of this disorder are anatomical changes in its wall or surrounding tissues and organs due to inflammation, induced abortion, surgery on the pelvic organs.

Pregnant woman feels, there are signs of pregnancy, changes in appetite, delayed menstruation, breast engorgement, often marked sukrovichnye discharge from the uterus.

The diagnosis of progressive ectopic pregnancy may be suspected on the basis of a typical history:
-Zaderzhka Menstruation from a few days to 2-3 weeks
-Over The abdomen
-Data Pelvic exam - improving HT in blood and urine

Clarifying the diagnosis is made after the US, especially a clear pattern is observed when using a vaginal probe.

Gynecology spotting sometimes absent. Offset cervical sharply painful, rear and side arches hang, especially a sharp pain on palpation of the posterior fornix. In the uterus is palpated testovatoy without precise contours.

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy - operative (surgical).

When these symptoms, delayed menstruation, an urgent need to come to the doctor-gynecologist.

Tags: pregnancy