Contraception for young mothers

 The first week of the young mother does not find neither the strength nor the time to resume sexual life, and the body is recovering from birth and so he "did not want to." However, time flies fast. And after a life more or less will to normal, the baby will get used to the regime, and find answers to basic questions, the woman remembers the joys of married life.  

However, among mothers widespread misconception that after childbirth and during lactation can not be pregnant. This is not quite true. Women's reproductive system begins to function normally within 3-4 weeks after birth. But only methods of contraception women need to be revised, taking into account now that she is breastfeeding.

Modern methods of contraception address the needs of young parents. If a woman prefers hormonal agents, it does not necessarily switch to another drug as nursing mothers are offered tablets containing the minimum amount of hormones.

Regular birth control pills contain two hormones -estrogen and progestogen. But breastfeeding is necessary to use contraceptives that contain only progestogen component.

At the moment in Russia there are some contraceptive pills for nursing mothers:"Ekslyuton", "Mikrolyut" and "Charozetta®". Numerous studies in Russia and abroad have shown that "Charozetta ®" does not affect the amount of breast milk and its quality, and most importantly - on the growth and development of the baby.

The drug was developedfor breastfeeding womenWhich is the most important performance and safety. The drug should be taken in the same time every day for 28 days in the order indicated on the package. Acceptance of each subsequent packing begins after the end of the previous without any interruption. The main advantage of the drug is that its effectiveness is considerably higher than that of other tablets for nursing mothers. It is as high as that of conventional combined pill. In addition, the "rule of forgotten tablets" y "Charozetty" is 12 hours, that is late with taking the pill for that period will not reduce efficiency.

Another effective method of contraceptionWho can use young mothers -this IUD. Before making a decision about the use of spirals, be sure to consult a gynecologist, because only he can recommend this method.

If your doctor has not found contraindications, it is important to choose a spiral with reliable, proven quality, to avoid possible side effects and complications,

Ask your gynecologist about "Multiloade®" - a spiral that is popular with Russian gynecologists. An important difference between "Multiload®" is an anatomical design and natural shapes: rounded shoulders helix repeat the form of the body. Furthermore, the spiral is made using monofilament yarns, which prevents the penetration of the infection. Enter and remove the spiral should a doctor. Under no circumstances can not do it alone!

Women who finished early breastfeeding can recommend to use "Novaring®" -flexible contraceptive ring from hypoallergenic material. It contains microscopic doses of hormones, and applied topically, taking the form of a woman's body and conveniently placed in the vagina.

One ring is designed for one menstrual cycle: woman inserts it into the vagina from the 1st to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. Ring, which is located on the cervix and stays within three weeks, highlighting microscopic dose of hormones needed to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Contraceptive contains a small amount of female hormones - estrogen and progestogen. Being in the vagina, the ring daily highlights constant microscopic dose of hormones. They prevent the release of an egg from the ovary and fertilized, so pregnancy is not possible. This allows the woman to remove the burden of the problems associated with the reliability of protection.

Women who use the ring is very rare note any side effects. He has almost no effect on the weight and feel during sex. Ringo one concern among young mother becomes smaller. He protects her for a whole month of pregnancy.

And if young parents decide that the first child is already old enough and ready mentally and physically for another charming screamer, just enough to stop the use of the elastic ring, and a month later the body will be ready for a new pregnancy.

With all the reliability of modern methods of contraception woman should remember that before you start to use somekontratsetiv, It is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Only qualified personnel able to choose a safe and effective tool that will not harm any young mother or her child.

Tags: contraception