Perfect Pedicure

 Modern woman pays his feet no less time than, for example, the hands. Regular pedicures at any time of the year - not a luxury but a vital necessity. Especially after last summer when walking barefoot on the grass or beach pebbles on the soles of the feet may appear abrasions, corns, cracks and calluses.

Modern woman pays his feet no less time than, for example, the hands. Regular pedicures at any time of the year - not a luxury but a vital necessity. Especially after last summer when walking barefoot on the grass or beach pebbles on the soles of the feet may appear abrasions, corns, cracks and calluses. And after frequent stay in winter boots feet need special care. It's time to do a thorough pedicure: firstly to provide feet deep cleaning, and secondly, to give your legs a well-groomed appearance.

To "correct" pedicure you will need: a basin of hot water, the means to soften and disinfect feet, pumice or grinding file for the legs, as well as the possibility for a pedicure kit containing special delimiters fingers, tweezers and a ceramic rod polishing, and all the same tools as for manicure: nail polish remover, cuticle remover gel, nail varnish and fixative.

1. Warm steamed footbath. Pour into a bowl of hot water. At the bottom of the basin can put a small folded towel. You can add a little baking soda in the water, sea salt or bubble bath. Good fatigue feet added to water sliced ​​lemon. It is also good to add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to pale pink, potassium permanganate - a natural disinfectant. Put your feet in a basin for 15-20 minutes: this procedure is done to soften the skin.

2. Processing of nails. Cotton swab moistened with polish remover tool, remove the nails from the remnants of the old varnish. You can add a few drops of olive swab (or other vegetable) oil - this will soften the cuticle of the nail, if they are too dry. Then manicure stick gently move the cuticle of the nail - it is not necessary to cut. You can remove the cuticle with a special tool - the gel to remove the cuticle. Cut the nails. Cut the nails need to directly give a slight curve sawing. But in any case, do not touch the corners of the nail - it can lead to ingrown finger. Extremely unpleasant and painful thing. Finishes removing all nail in the doctor's office.

3. Processing callous. Soak in water nail file or pumice and treat the heel, the whole foot, then the rough skin on the fingers and sides soles. After this rough sawing treat rough skin around the nail. To remove the build-up along the contour of the foot instead of pumice is better to use the sanding sawing. She did it carefully. Do not try to radically remove all "corns". To return the footsteps of former tenderness need to take care of them every day. Daily cream softens the skin and 1-2 times a week sawing grind - a week or two they can easily descend themselves. Dry the feet, and then be sure to make a light massage with cream, use a nourishing cream. Why, after removal of the growths so important to treat foot softening nutritious means? The fact that the stop on a skin is very little of the sebaceous glands, so it dries quickly. This is necessary to compensate for the lack of using the cream, it is better to use it daily at night immediately after the evening shower or bath. 

4. Giving well-groomed appearance. Apply a new layer of varnish nails. its color should match the shoes, clothing and first manicure. The easiest way out - to use for a pedicure clearcoat - he goes to any shoe and any varnish on his hands. Another colorless or very pale varnish - an outlet for those with fingers far from the ideal shape. It will not focus on your feet, but it will give your nails well-groomed appearance. It may differ from the varnish on the hands, but within the same colors. Do not put many layers of lacquer - toenails and dry for so long. The optimal option: colored lacquer + hardener.

Sensitive issues

Foot care must be carefully - because we spend on your feet all day. At the end of the day his feet "buzz" and "whining". Towards evening the swollen bones of the feet. And then there are other problems: become visible veins and blood vessels, is difficult to find comfortable shoes - presses and presses even the most expensive and high-quality, broken blood and lymph circulation, cellulite. But paying feet just a few minutes in the morning and in the evening the appearance of such problems can be avoided easily.

In The Morning: Wash your feet with soap and water, it is best to peeling. If you do not take a contrast shower and poured cold water on the whole body, make an exception even for the legs. Cold water better than any other means of tones the skin, normalizes blood circulation and improves the well-being of the whole person. If you are plagued by excessive sweating feet and sharp smell, you can help special deodorizing hygiene and elementary prevention. The most simple - after pouring properly dry out their legs and sprinkle talcum powder or baby powder.

In The Evening: Arriving home, do not run immediately to the kitchen to cook dinner! Lie down, lifting legs up, leaning on the wall. In such a situation it is necessary to be about fifteen minutes. This will ensure the flow of blood and save from varicose veins. If your work involves constant standing or sitting - buy special stockings, distribute the correct pressure in the legs. They are sold in pharmacies, are not cheap, but to be treated, believe me, then be much more expensive.

If your feet "buzz" and "whine"- Very useful to plunge them into cold water. Dial the water in the tub and stand there for several minutes. The water in the bathroom you should reach to the ankle. Can do for legs douches: half a minute watering them with hot water, half a minute - cold. And so ten times, always finish the shower with cold water. Fatigue must pass.

Wash your feet in the morning. To improve blood circulation, make light massage feet with a sponge or mittens. Movement - circular direction - from the feet to the hips. Best in the supine position (in the bath) with their feet.

At the end of the evening water treatment treat foot pumice stone or nail file, they will remove accumulated during the day dust and dirt with keratinized skin and make the skin more smooth feet. Immediately after washing, use an emollient cream for legs.

Tags: pedicure