Youth can be extended!

 Everyone knows that a bad environment, bad habits, adversely affect the sun's rays on the female body and accelerate the aging process and premature fading beauty. But there's little secrets, with which you can outsmart this unpleasant process.

Our women's power is much to do to stay longer young and attractive. These tricks is easy to use in everyday life. At first glance, they are too easy to trust, but to try to prolong youthfulness of his appearance and postpone retirement costs.

Secrets Nadine de Rothschild

This well-known enduring beauty queen wrote a whole book when tired of answering questions about the secrets of his youth and charm. The book contains many useful tips, one of them:

"In Hollywood, I was struck in the face with rage vitamins. Because of this, I was receiving a weekly schedule of fresh drinks based on fruit and vegetable juices, vitamins A, C and E, which should be drunk before breakfast.

Saturday: the day after a hearty meal of the weekend I recommend a strong cleaning agent: in a glass of warm mineral water squeeze the juice of one lemon, this universal care products for beauty. Lemon has a tonic, anti-infective and toning effect.

Thursday: carrot juice, to which I add a bunch of parsley juice.

Wednesday: fresh grape juice.

Wednesday: summer - a mixture of berries: raspberries, strawberries, currants. In the rest of the year - a grapefruit.

Friday: to prepare for the possible excesses of the weekend, I nominate myself diuretic - cup of broth of leeks.

Saturday: apricot juice.

Sunday: glass of Bordeaux.

Do not drink through a straw

Look to smoking women: most of them eventually appear vertical wrinkles around the lips. Looks like that person, to put it mildly, messy. If you do not smoke, but I enjoy a drink through a straw, you know that the effect will be similar.

If the upper lip first wrinkles, do not waste time. Perform special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the upper lip and smooth the skin in this area. Sitting put your elbows on the table, back straight, eyes - straight ahead. Put thumbs under the upper lip so that the nails were simultaneously pressed against the upper teeth and gums. Count of eight, slowly lower your upper lip down, as if pulling. You should feel the tension of the muscles of the upper lip. When the lip is pressed to thumbs, stay in this position for 5 seconds. Without changing the position of the thumb, slowly relax your muscles, count to eight. Repeat three times.

Save your eyesightSave your eyesight

Women who do not see well, often squinting, and because of this, in the corners of the eyes appear small wrinkles. Vision should be protected! Let your diet will certainly attend carrots and blueberries. If you have a lot of work on the computer, you can purchase special glasses. Do not forget to visit the eye doctor and follow his recommendations.

The skin around the eyes for a long time remained young, once a day, do special exercises to smooth wrinkles and removes puffiness century: see front of their eyes wide open, count to eight in mind, close your eyes, relax. Firmly zazhmurte eyes and count to five. Sit in front of a mirror and his chin, looking at his reflection. Gradually close your eyes until, until there is a small clicking - then completely close your eyes.

Wear sunglasses

Remember that direct sunlight is harmful for the eyes and contribute to the rapid aging of the skin. As you know, the skin around the eyes - the most sensitive, and it should be protected especially. And not only in summer. Winter and early spring our eyes even more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in the bright sunny days, wear good sunglasses, which should not spare the money. When choosing sunglasses, consider some rules: lens dark gray and dark green colors filtered greatest amount of UV rays, yellow - to increase the contrast of objects, glass other colors, such as purple, have a purely decorative function, as they can not detain harmful ultraviolet. For the cold season well suited glasses with glass "chameleon", darkened by increasing the natural light.

Eat less meat

Reliable observations prove that vegetarians actually live longer than meat-eaters, and, for 10-15 years. The less meat you absorb, the more chances you have to avoid heart disease, cancer, diabetes with age. Any illness just more big old body! A proper diet can help get rid of health problems.

Get enough sleep

Need to sleep at least 8 but not more than 10 hours a day. If a woman is good enough sleep, the complexion visibly healthier - the skin is significantly improved. In addition, vanish unpleasant bags under the eyes, which is added once a couple of years to age. Sleep it is necessary to prevent cardiovascular disease. Chronic lack of sleep face many troubles appearance.

Sometimes when healthy sleep is not possible to avoid the appearance of swelling eyelids and bags under the eyes, and beautiful look is impossible without well-groomed skin around the eyes. Remove shortcomings daily help wipe skin with ice cubes of water or milk, as well as contrasting lotions. But first make a compress of warmed olive oil. After the massage, apply to the skin nourishing cream. Warm lotion made from milk, half water divorced, and cold - from the infusion of sage (1 tsp. Sage pour 1/2 cup boiling water, brew, strain). Procedure begins with warm lotions, cold finish. Must pass all five alternations.

Forever and require careful maintenance. In the morning, 10 minutes before washing, apply on the eyelids sour cream or mayonnaise, and then wash in the usual way. Inflamed eyelids can mitigate such cream: Take 25 g of any fat cream or butter, 10 ml of an aqueous infusion of chamomile with lime color and 5 ml of castor oil. All carefully grind and apply a moisturizer to damp skin century.

Sleep on your back

Who does not like to sleep with his face buried in the pillow !? Did you know that it contributes to the appearance of wrinkles on the face, which are very difficult to get rid of? At night, a person must have a rest, so sleep on your back. Let facial skin breathe! In addition, so you can avoid the hated bags under the eyes. Note that the head during a night of rest must be oriented to the north or east. Before going to sleep useful water treatment using special equipment that will remove fatigue and stress. But we should not take a hot bath - it excites. Do not forget to remove makeup before going to bed.

For full sleep are essential conditions under which it passes. Therefore, make sure that the room was not too hot or too cold. Get rid of the clock near the bed, the sound of which will annoy all night. The room where you sleep, it is necessary to protect against noise and light with dark curtains.

 Learn to relax during sleep, try to sprawl on the bed, her grow into all parts of the body, as do young children. As a result, you will gain a deep sleep and complete rest.

Healthy spine prolongs youth

Modern scientists premature aging associated with the poor condition of the spine. Even rare slack back pain - a signal of trouble in this important section of the body. Therefore, in order to prolong their youth, you need to follow a simple daily prophylactic rules to preserve a healthy spine. When you work standing next to back remained straight, the load on the lower back can be reduced by placing every 20 minutes, alternating legs for a small stand, it is necessary to periodically look like on the ground.

When sedentary work lean back in a chair, sit up straight, without tilting the head forward and bending the torso, elbows keep at the level of the main surface of the chair. Those who wear a bag over his shoulder, must change position, if this is not done, it is possible curvature of the spine. More and go up the stairs. Useful pets rotational exercises on the sports circle "Grace". In the morning, wake up, do some stretching, subsidence of the spine and all the joints. From the bed stand up to his full height at once - a little sit, down the legs, stir them in the ankle joints.

Brush your teeth before breakfast

For oral night accumulates many bacteria. And if before breakfast not brush your teeth, what many do not, postponing this procedure by the end of the meal, you risk to "enrich" their food while still a lot of microbes that destroy the teeth. Recent research scientists have shown that it is necessary to brush their teeth less than two minutes. This time is enough to remove plaque, further cleaning with nothing cleans teeth are not, and only hurts the enamel and gums, especially if the brush to press strongly.

By the way, using a toothbrush, you can ... temper its appetite. The fact that our body over the years developed a reflex: teeth cleaned, then finished with a meal. If suddenly wanted a snack before bedtime, and it does not need, just brush your teeth. The brain receives a signal that today with a meal is finished.

Do not defeat the dentist regularly, and then the teeth will long remain strong and healthy.

Less often wear high heels

Who argues: high heels - it's beautiful, elegant, sexy ... But wear them often do not. Many women spend all day in heels - so beautiful. But harmful to the spine. The fact that the frequent wearing heels occurs displacement of the center of gravity. As a result, there is an additional bending of the lumbar spine, which leads to uneven loading on the lumbar vertebrae. In addition, if you are frequently wearing high heels your knees are at risk to retire before you. They will become flabby and guttered. When women wear high heels, increasing pressure on the knees, that's why they age much earlier than they should.

Do not exhaust yourself with exercise

You can and should do exercises in the morning, in the evening run ... But you should not try to overpower their capabilities! Do not exhaust yourself with excessive force, so as not to wear out the body. For example, if you find it hard to run, better walk on foot.

Secrets of the beauties of India

Indian woman to cleanse the body in the morning drink the juice of one lemon squeezed into a glass of water. Once a week to arrange fasting days, which helps to cleanse the skin. Stick to natural foods: no canned food, sausages and a lot of rice, fruits, spices and ovoschey.Izbavlyayutsya of extra pounds by eating two oranges a day with the skin. Rub the skin with water every day, infused with rose petals without additives alcohol. It is believed that it nourishes the skin and gives it an inner glow.

Play with your children

Prolong youth help not only exercises and rules. If grimly "cut" circles around the stadium, meticulously calculating fats and carbohydrates, constantly thinking of new wrinkles, even the ideal settings are only old. Look at Sophia Loren, rejecting plastic surgery and recognized in this year's most beautiful woman in the world - is it the oldest wrinkles? Good mood - one of the main components of success. If you have children, do not deny yourself the pleasure at least once a week, on your day off to run and play with them in outdoor games: positive emotions, bright eyes, and calories burned are guaranteed!

Tags: youth