Work on the bugs

 How to avoid the most common mistakes in the pursuit of beauty. Before you complain about the fact that nature has taken care of the perfection of your skin, consider this: instead of yourself you blame? JustLady - error in the pursuit of beauty.  

1. Bust with makeup

Prohibitive cosmetic and bath, all lined with jars and tubes, can cause delight friends, but a dermatologist rather upset. "When I first came to ask me for the admission of women to demonstrate their usual arsenal of skin care products, you tend to see a real dump - says Patricia Wexler, a professor of dermatology, cosmetology Donna Karan and Jennifer Aniston. - Buying more and more money, many do not even realize that they are compatible with the existing creams, do not duplicate them and whether there have the opposite effect! »


If you use a makeup remover and day cream of different brands, it is quite acceptable and allergies you will likely not threatened. But when, in the course at the same time are unsuited cream for acne, wrinkles, sun and restoring serum wait unpleasant surprises. May cause irritation, redness, burning sensation - it is a signal that the funds are not compatible. Try to pick one brand of cosmetics or use multifunctional cream that solves several problems.

2. Fight against acne

Even the most intelligent girl appearance of pimples on your face makes you want to get rid of it immediately. "Trying to squeeze acne, you're just pounding bacteria deep into the pores, thereby increasing inflammation that in the best case, lengthen the healing process, and at worst - always leave a memory about acne scar in the form of" - warns PhD Irina Zhukova, Head of the Department of Cosmetology clinic "Surgery Beauty."


Wrap in paper or cloth napkin piece of ice and apply it for 10 minutes to the place where is about to appear or has already appeared pimple - cold will reduce inflammation. Then apply on the skin means with salicylic acid tea tree oil or zinc. "These substances penetrate deep into the pores and disinfect otlich¬no - explains Dominique Tinkler, cosmetologist brand Dr. Brandt. - After a couple of hours a pimple will be less noticeable, but in a few days will disappear altogether. " Do not forget to take advantage of masking proofreader he dry skin, protect from external contamination and eliminates the desire to once again touch the face: you do not touch your hands painted lips?

3. Excessive cleansing

Maniacal commitment to clean like sve¬krovi future, but your zeal beautician does not appreciate. "Many women love the feeling of stretched, like a creaking after exfoliation, - says Dominique Tinkler. - Plus radiance and glow. Not surprisingly, the desire to use a deep cleansing sred¬stva increasingly becoming intrusive. Mistaken belief that it benefits you each time breaking the acid-alkaline balance of the skin and destroy the hydro film, thereby causing increased excretion of fat and stripping the skin's natural defenses against bacteria. "


To cleanse and refresh the skin, use a soft, fat-free makeup remover twice a day, morning and evening. T-zone skin fatter almost everyone, but if the difference is radical, I wash two means: use milk for the entire face, and forehead, nose and chin rub lotion for oily skin. "Exfoliation is useful, but in moderation. Oily skin can exfoliate 1-2 times a week, normal - once a week, and dry and sensitive - 2 times a month "- explains Tinkler.

4. The imaginary sensitivity

Almost 70% of Russians believe that their sensitive skin. However, cosmetologists say that most of the self-diagnosis is incorrect. "Irritation of cosmetic products - not an indicator of sensitivity, - says Irina Zhukova. - It may well be that the reason - in the banal dehydration. For example, if applied to the skin over-dried glycolic acid, appears reddish rash. "


A truly sensitive skin reacts to everything: makeup, weather, stress, food. If we are talking about a single reaction without sin on active ingredients means - often to blame preservatives and emulsifiers. For greater certainty before buying a new cream, apply it on the back of your hand and wait for a few hours.

5. Wait for quick results

Applying cream for a few days or even weeks, you can not see the results, but that's no reason to think that the tool does not work. "To start, the cream should settle down in the skin, - says Veronique Devlin, director of scientific research Lancôme. - Instant effects are only short-term lift, optical camouflage wrinkles and surface moisture. To work for the future needs time. "


Use the same cream for at least 2-3 months. If the result is much, continue to use them indefinitely. "The fact that the skin can get used to the cream and start being lazy - pure myth - Mrs. Veronique Devlin. - Also, find your cream is less complicated than the man of her dreams. I personally use a cream for several years. "

6. Lack of attention to the skin of the neck

Cosmetologist eye immediately determine you are caring for a neck or not. "Often it looks like someone else! - Irina Zhukova exclaims. - And because the skin is thinner than the face, is aging faster and poorly amenable to correction: some methods, such as ultrasound treatments and deep peels that are so good for the face, neck just contraindicated. "


Skin of the neck enough daily cleansing and moisturizing and weekly exfoliation. As a rule, it can be done by the same means that you are using for the face, so the additional costs and effort from you will not be required.

7. Faith in genes

International survey conducted by Clinique, showed that about 80% of Italians, Spaniards and Englishwomen, and almost half of Russian women believe that the quality of the skin is more dependent on heredity rather than on a regular and proper care of it. "The role of genes can not be denied - said Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and one of America's leading experts in anti-aging medicine. - But they determine the condition of the skin by only 30% and the remaining 70% -Your handiwork! »


How well you look now and will look in the future, depends on your perseverance. Try to get rid of bad habits, if you smoke or are overweight, your skin may appear ten years older than it really is. And genes are innocent.

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