Timer Beauty

 Constant and regular facials can help you keep the youth for many years.


The main problem is mikrovospaleniya young skin- and skin dehydration. Most importantly - correctly (and regular!) It cleanse and moisturize. Use lighter gels and fluids - saturated fatty creams you have so far (if they are not registered your beautician).


At this age, it is important to thoroughly clean and protect your skin from the sun. Close to the skin 30 may be a drier, so wetting agents should have a more pronounced effect. Pay attention to the tools to improve blood circulation - they relieve you from swelling and tired appearance.


After 30 to still care about hydration, nutrition and protection from the sun is added concern for maintaining skin tone, maintaining a fresh complexion and prevent the onset of facial wrinkles. Choose multipurpose tools that contain omega-6 or omega-3, vitamins A, E (powerful antioxidants) and C (toxins), nutrient serum.

Tags: Beauty, timer