Show off the beauty and youth

 What we dream of going on vacation in warmer climes? Of course on how the sun's rays will warm our pale faces, nourish the body of life-giving energy, gilding the skin tan and allow to return the updated flash beauty. Unfortunately, these hopes are not always justified. Unbiased mirror often claims that after the release of the skin does not refreshed, but on the contrary, has been hit hard by heavy exposure to the sun. And instead of hiding chronological age, she is now inexorably adds to it a few more years hurtful. So do not come photoaging processes ...

The term appeared in the 80s of the last century. By this time, it became clear that entered into vogue tanning played with amateurs sunbathing cruel joke: the ultraviolet rays were not as useful as it seemed before.

It was found that they desiccate the skin, reduce its content of collagen leads to a decrease in elasticity and, consequently, the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging. A feature of these processes is that, unlike age-related changes, they affect only those areas of the skin that are visible to the sun.

A natural question arises: what to do? First of all, on his return from a vacation need to give the skin an ambulance. Especially that photoaging, according to cosmetologists, reversible, unless of course, start with them timely and effective struggle.

The most effective weapon in this battle recognizedretinoids - Derivatives of vitamin A, which is responsible for the condition of the skin and its regeneration.

However, for a long time with its application in cosmetics had serious problems, since not been able to obtain a stable form of vitamin A to enter its composition cream. However, these problems were successful in 1995, when the French cosmetics company RoC, the first in the world, managed to develop and patent the technology necessary for the stabilization of retinol.

Active Retinol in its most effective form part of the range RoC Retin- Ox, designed for women over 30. It will help to show off the beauty of the beautiful ladies and youth in spite of photoaging and skin aging.

Range consists of four products (day, night, moisturizing creams, nourishing for dry skin care cream anti-wrinkle eye contour), which thanks to its carefully selected composition significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, smooth skin, make it more elastic. And women older than 45 years will come to the aid of a collection of anti-aging CompleteLift.

At this age, the skin is usually starts to lose elasticity, so that wrinkles are not only formed, but it takes "sagging". Help them cope with the active components of a lifting effect, which are a part of all the products in this range.

Thanks to them, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more youthful, fresh and supple. So what are these anti-aging tools give the exact effect, which we usually expect when going on holiday: they turn back the clock and make the skin such as it was ten years ago.
And in order not to expose more skin tests ultraviolet, next time, going to warmer climes, do not forget to put sunscreen in makeup to match your skin type: that perfect tanned brunette unlikely to be able to protect the delicate skin bright blonde.

And in addition to the degree of protection which is marked by numbers, you need to pay attention to the fact that your chosen means of defense against the full range of ultraviolet radiation. Many common products today with a high SPF-protection virtually no filters that prevent the penetration of the A-rays, which are particularly harmful to the skin.

 The quality of sunscreen UVA says the sign on its packaging. He means that the A and B filters are part of it in the optimal ratio, which corresponds to the standards for sunscreens, recently approved by the European Union.

 Svetlana Bogaudinova

Tags: youth