Raiders of the Lost

 Are there real ways to stop hair loss and increase hair growth? How to create an effective program? Do the rules of application of active funds? Do I need supplements for hair? Today, in the pages of women's magazine JustLady answers to the most current "head" questions.

Hairstyles 2009

From the point of view of the evolution of hair - An obvious throwback. Previously designed for heating and protection, today they have lost these functions. Having, however, a new task: to decorate, to deceive and to emphasize the status of its owner. But if the majority of men the true meaning of their forelock becomes clear only when the matter is nothing left, the women ... women in his youth had to resort to all sorts of tricks to give maximum mane attraction. And if you tune out the stylish trends are simple, healthy and strong hair can boast not many.

Do not fall

Every year, in early September, in my bathroom there is packing vials, the contents of which I punctually anoint my head. It takes time, a little annoying, but without this ritual I do not spend the winter. More precisely, not me, but my hair. Having missed the beginning of "autumn molting" - the period when the season starts losing his hair, I run the risk that it will go into winter. This has already happened, and not only to me. Hair loss - a popular beauty-theme after aging, perfumes and cellulite. And not only my friends, but also on the forums cosmetic sites. New means to strengthen shag girls interested in not less than aromatendentsiyami and anti-aging technology. Complaints that the hair loose, "climb" and do not grow, I listen constantly. And every friend - his notion of loss. Someone drives into a panic a few extra hair on the comb, and someone has to be vacuumed after laying bathroom. And if in the latter case, I strongly recommend to go to a doctor, in mild alopecia give out a list of recommendations.


Trichologists claim that 80% of urban women hair lack of iron, calcium, vitamins and other substances. And if it turns out not to eat every day, then swallow a pill in the morning - all on forces. Well proven dietary supplements for hair Inn, Sheviton and Nutrikap. As a bonus, they strengthen and nails. Work and vitamins for pregnant women: they have a lot of trace elements, and the effect appears in a couple of weeks. By the way, hair actively metabolizes nutrients received before lunch. So that those who neglect breakfast, hair worse than the ladies, finding time for plates cereal or yogurt.

Without extremes

There are enough ways and means to strengthen the hair. By special shampoo to mesotherapy. Believe me, they are quite efficacious. And do not panic. Not so long ago I was an hour discouraged familiar from mesotherapy. Cardinal technique she wanted to apply to his thirteen-year-daughter. Due to hormonal changes, frequent for her age, she began to lose hair. After consultation with the eminent specialist she was prescribed special dietary supplements, massage and professional care for the scalp. This gave a good result. But my mother wanted to maximum. Had to use his oratorical gifts to dissuade her. Mesotherapy adolescent apply only in cases where other techniques are ineffectual, and hair loss associated with severe metabolic disorders. Always worth a sober assessment of the state of hair, if necessary, to consult specialists (preferably several) and be sure to bring a course of care or treatment to the end. 

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