Charming neckline ready for summer

 In the cold season we always wrap up, and be sure to cover your neck warm scarf or wear a sweater with a high neck. Dressed thus one of the most beautiful parts of the female body is hidden - this, of course, décolleté. And as the sun warms warmer, and we dress easier, it's time to pay attention to her breasts! After the bust is a symbol of femininity and do not forget about its beauty.

Skin Care in the back and chest daily needs, do not wait until your skin loses elasticity and firmness. It does not matter how old you are 18, 25, 35 - you should always look at all eighteen! Therefore, your girlfriend would never hear from you negative statement in his address "my breasts are not the same as ... eleven years ago." The secret of a beautiful bust in the most simple rules.


How pleasant it is to stand under a stream of warm water. Feel the bliss, the update forces and filling every cell of life-giving energy. Our bust is no exception, and its purity, one of the rules, keeping it beautiful. So first Rinse with warm water, and the use or mild shower gel or soap. Not desirable to use an antibacterial soap. Try not to rub décolleté washcloth, as this area is very delicate and requires only a careful attitude.

After rinsing with warm water, go to the cold procedures. For such an act will require determination and mental attitude. If you're ready, switch the shower jet and 10 five times, clockwise massage the chest area.

 Due to the cold blast, improves blood circulation and skin elasticity loses and gets delicate pink hue. After this procedure, pat the chest with a towel and do not rub. The result will be obvious if this was done every day.

Physical training

Last but not least, and exercise. You often pay attention to others, as are how things are. And if she stoops, what form would not be a chest, it immediately loses its "charm." And with years of bad posture adversely affects the shape of the bust.

Try every day prodelyvat elementary exercise - get back to the wall and check your posture. Blades should be together, chest lifted forward, but on the contrary the stomach retracted. That's the way you save not only your back straight, but also "keep" shape of the breast.

Very useful one more exercise to strengthen muscles of the chest. To do this, put your hands up, palms and connect in a kind of "pushing off from one another, do ten times. During the "push" play for time, believing himself to 10 times.

Another effective way of physical preparation for the bust - swimming. Take the money and buy a ticket to the pool. Water well hones figure and gives the chest muscles elasticity.

Gentle exfoliation and massage

The skin in the chest area such as susceptible as the skin of the face. Therefore, peeling in the neck, suitable cosmetics applied to the face. Apply lightly and we must not cross the border nipples. This procedure is important to do very carefully and cautiously, because funds should not fall on the nipples, it is dangerous.

You can also get a massage cubes of frozen milk. For this pre-milk pour into molds and place in the freezer. Carry out the procedure is best at one and the same time - take an ice cube and move a neat movements in the neck.

Equally important is the mask. They can be bought in any cosmetic shop, and you can make your own. Our grandmothers, for example, used - yogurt, sour cream or sour milk. Apply the chosen remedy for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Remember, décolleté, is the pride of every woman and only depends on you its beauty. And you will always see yourself admiring glances.

Tags: summer neckline