Fashion trends spring 2007

 Hello Spring! Welcome back! We are glad to have you back! How glad we are finally dump heavy winter jackets and coats and warm pants Back to frivolous mini! No need to fully update the wardrobe - enough to fill it some nice gizmos in the fashion of spring 2007.

Of course, back in fashion classics (actually, it is not going away and nowhere), but not trendy trends for one season. Remember that when choosing things "classical repertoire" plays a major role quality, so do not skimp and buy the best of what you can afford - this thing will last you a few years. Do not choose things not on the size! The most important element of a successful individual style - the perfect "landing" things when the clothes look as if was sewn on your order. Do not pay too much attention to the size specified on the label. Grab a fitting clothes three sizes and is measured in a row - some definitely yes suit. Be a trendsetter this season!

And we present ten of our favorite trends of spring 2007!

Dresses. Dresses - trendy trend! It is no exaggeration to call the new dress "that same" thing of the spring season. Dress is always feminine and allow us to demonstrate the most relevant in this season dignity as a woman - beautiful legs. The most fashionable dresses do not fall below the knee, they have a high waist or style baby-doll. However, this season carte blanche to get dresses of any length and style.

Shout color. Spring - a time of awakening life, and hence the bright colors! The most popular colors - basic, especially yellow. Yellow you do not go? Most women are afraid to wear yellow because of the fact that he allegedly unprofitable skin tone shades. This season, you have nothing to fear, as in fashion all shades of yellow - from gold to pale yellow.

Girls with cool undertones of the skin is best suited cream or pastel shade of yellow. Yes, even in fashion flashy colors such as fuchsia, orange or freshly washed greens - all retro disco colors from the 80s! The main thing - to complement suit bright color, and not to overdo it!

Femininity and charm. This combination means fashion for ruffles, frills sorts, lace, roses and other attributes of costume dancers. What about those who absolutely contraindicated in this style? Feminine ruffles create a volume on chiffon blouses, sleeve- "lanterns" and sleeves "bat" - here we need to be careful, because this style visually enhances the upper torso.

Polka dots. Favourite pattern of our grandmothers back in fashion - but does it disappear somewhere? Peas of different sizes was seen in almost all spring collections, so do not fill up bagatelle wardrobe with this lovely pattern is simply bad manners. Ladies large physique recommend choosing outfit in small peas. Petite ladies clothes more suited to large peas or peas average. This pattern looks equally good on dresses, skirts, blouses, scarves, handbags and finishing in hoops for hair. Just do not forget about the one "but": in the ensemble should be no more than one thing in the peas! If you have an accessory to match (read "dots"), the size of peas should be different.

Prints all sorts of important prints all sorts of needs. Continuing fashion prints, so it's time to replenish a wardrobe bagatelle with some original pattern. Fortunately, in the spring of a huge number of new prints and colors, so the choice is truly unlimited. Note the stylish blouse with floral or geometric prints or on top with a pattern of roses. But do not spend a fortune on them - one such gizmos is enough, because in the next season they will look hopelessly outdated. Prints quickly go out of fashion, so you should never be a wardrobe staple of clothing, jewelry patterns.

Pants with wide leg. We have news for you - wide pants are back in fashion! Once we had a little bit to get used to the narrow-fitting trousers as they went out of fashion! Now the actual exact opposite - slacks! Important in this trend - the simplicity and elegance. Stay away from any frills and frills like folds. The perfect complement to this trend will be high-heeled shoes (platform or wedge heels) and fitting top.

Navy blue. Do not forget to turn dark blue and blue and white stripes in your spring wardrobe! Blue - beautiful dark neutral color (which, moreover, is not worse than slim black), it is suitable for almost everyone. This season, we recommend to choose dark blue, not blue, and in any case not brilliant.

Dark blue can be combined with pale pink, peach, faded yellow, magenta, lavender, aquamarine, khaki and red and white. Now you understand how convenient dark blue color?

Nautical theme. Hey, on the ship! Warning! This spring is very relevant maritime style. This versatile style suitable for any shape and age. If you're going to wear a shirt with horizontal stripes, remember: the larger the body, the thinner strips should be and the closer they should be located. Suitable supplement to this shirt will cortical platform sandals. To embody this trend, it is enough to pick up a "sailor" thing, it is not necessary to equip all the way!

High contrast. You can always rely on the classic combination of black and white! Clothing with contrasting geometric prints easily combined. Black and white combination is very harmonious and fresh - just what you need in the spring.

P.S. A quick note about spring accessories. That's accessories help to update your favorite clothes and modernize it. No need to spend money on expensive accessories and jewelry!

Podyschu massive bright bracelet or a thin gold bracelet - this season it can be worn with any clothing. Or complete your collection of jewelry jewelry made of hard plastic Lucite - long necklaces, earrings and bracelets bright, life-affirming tone. Still popular accessories made of shells and wood.

Tags: spring, trend