Fashion trends spring 2008

 Finally verse cultural hurricane, otherwise known as New York Fashion Week, and now we have to hear a heated debate fashionable analysts on current trends next spring. No matter what else we only expect a cold winter. It does not matter that many of us have not yet had time to update the fashionable gray boots and short coat - it's time to think about spring trends.

How to distinguish a fake

Judging by what they see on the catwalk, in the spring of 2008 we expect the same muted palette is restrained neutral shades of gray and chocolate, but only occasional flashes of vibrant color. Here is a brief overview of the fashion trends of the coming of spring.

And the sun rises again ...

In spring 2008 we will have another comeback yellow. Gather things saffron, lemon and orange colors and bright accessories these solar cheerful colors.

Current will be a combination of yellow belt and high heel shoes with clothes warm beige shade. So, it chose yellowMarc Jacobs for his latest collection of festive modernized American classics.

Brand Miss Sixty abandoned the basic white and replaced it with a bold yellow, and even decorated with extravagant graphic pattern. This fashion house also generously used this lively and provocative color in the collection in the style of the 1960s.

Vera Wang chosen as the musical accompaniment of his fashion shows popular song Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun" («The Sun Also Rises"). Pretty ironic choice, given that the spring collection of designer sustained in the dark gloomy colors: black, olive, dark blue with a metallic sheen. At Vera Wang yellow turned into a rich shade of a dull bronze.


Perhaps the new silhouette spring season can be better described as "a cross." Hottest dress next spring - a hybrid of a shapeless and baggy dresses, popular spring of 2007, and particularly robust silhouette this fall.

Nicole Brewer, Fashion expert site, believes that this dress for women exists with problematic figure, full or too thin, "This dress is in some degree expresses our attitude to life, and in general - is one of the we happy with my weight? ".

Silhouette spring does not emphasize curves figure, but still quite feminine, so that men no doubt in female attractiveness. Silhouette "hourglass", so popular this fall, spring will be forgotten; Tighten the waist belt can be reduced or even omit the line of the hips.

Followers of fashion

Of the nearly three dozen shows held during Fashion Week, heightened interest of spectators and analysts have drawn fashion collectionBetsey Johnson, Stylized clothes for the prom, and avant-garde collectionJohn Varvatos. Both designers have demonstrated an unusual approach, creating a bold and inspiring collection.

Spring CollectionBetsey Johnson - A collection for young girls who will live through the most exciting event - prom. "Prom queen" - it is also a kind of excursion into the history of costume, from 1958 (when it was awarded the flattering title designer herself) to the present day.

The show opens with spangled sequined strapless dress: pink tulle peeking coyly from under her skirt just above the knee. In waist dress was tight belt intercepted creamy. The whole outfit, designed in bright, "girly" pink and blue tones, as if exuded a soft glow. For this dress followed by a very eclectic collection, which includes and elegant ball gowns and retro swimwear in large peas and elegant dresses with petticoats in vintage style.

As far as practical, such clothes? Did someone demands from Betsey Johnson practicality? Her motto: "Life - a graduation party! ".

ButVarvatos began his show in the style of rock with the fact that the audience gave discs with the album Alice Cooper Dirty Diamonds.

For such an unusual beginning was followed by no less bizarre sequel - so provocative as it generally allows men's fashion. It is surprising, but managed to return Varvatos white suit its original freshness and elegance.

After the show, the designer admitted that his collection - a tribute to American fringe, including Roma and rich hippies. The general style of the collection - a distinctive, elegant and disarmingly courageous. John Varvatos like suits, but they are hardly suitable for a business meeting.

Tags: spring, trend