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 JustLady - on how to properly clean your face in the morning, afternoon and evening. And maintain the beauty and freshness, even when it seems impossible

How to clean your face and get rid of edema in the morning after a party?

Use reception dancers in Las Vegas: to make the breasts firmer, they rubbed it with ice - advises Sidney B Hornby, head of research and development Neutrogena. - Wash with cool water and soap for the face: soap to cleanse and relieve cold swelling. Also contained chlorine in tap water at low temperatures is less irritating to the skin. "

How often should I clean the skin deep?

Separate deep cleansing - is usually scrub or microdermabrasion home - says Julia Matushevskaya, dermatologist, Central Research Institute of STI Medical. - In recent years, these procedures have become so popular that many of the girls began to get involved too. But frequent exfoliation has the opposite effect: the skin starts to peel off and can become fatter! »

Dry skin scrub clean the maximum once a week, normal and oily - two or three times. If after such procedures face reddens, replace the scrub gel cleanser with salicylic acid, which day by day carefully smoothes the skin.

Do I need to wash at night, if the whole day spent at home?

Required! You spent the day at home rather than in a sterile chamber. "So, on the face of settled dust and bacteria get, and your own sebaceous glands work did not stop - Hornby suggests. - If you do not pay attention to it in a few days (for oily skin and the next) may have rashes, and pores become more visible. In addition, the evening washing with soap or gel accelerates cell renewal at night - you wake up refreshed and considerably prettier. "

How to quickly change the make-up day for the evening?

To look as if you've come to the party not out of the office, and of beauty, do not be lazy: thoroughly clean the face and make-up again - the day cosmetics mixed with sebum and dust.

If you can not wash, use cleansing wipes for removing makeup from the face and eyes. To remove the shadow and mascara, press cloth for a few seconds to a century, and then gently swipe it from the outer corner of the eye to the inside.

Is it possible to remove eye make-up soap?

Still, the eyelid skin better clean special lotion or milk to remove eye make-up, says Hornby. But if you are very tired and you do not have the strength to reach out to the cotton disks, it is better to wash with soap and water or gel to cleanse the face, than not remove makeup at all. Choose funds for sensitive skin, which is particularly carefully refer to the protective hydrolipidic film of the skin.

Tags: cleanliness