Trendy hairstyles: Spring 2008

 Finally the weather allows us to remove the caps and hoods. It's time to think about a new haircut or styling. This spring will be fashionable variety of types of hairstyles: straight hair, "tails" and strict parting, greased back hair and careless curls.

Straight hair

Classical smooth styling is very popular this season. If you are an owner of a perfectly straight hair, use a smoothing shampoo and balm or a mask, dry hair, pulling them a large round brush. For the perfect effect straighten them utjuzhkom. The most fashionable hair parting - straight.

Fleece and rastrepannost

In contrast to the sleek hairstyles, this spring relevant messy, disheveled hair and greased back hair. To make such a packing, first better wash your hair with shampoo to add volume. Dry the hair and causing them to foam or spray for styling, to whip their hands, gives hair negligence. Tease hair comb better with frequent teeth. Better not to tease your hair too often - it damages the hair and can make them dull and brittle.

Love wave

Wavy hair look womanly, decorate almost any person, besides, it is the main trend of spring-summer 2008. There are many ways to curl curls. You can use curling, wind hair on papiyotki (for smaller locks) curlers, Velcro or hot rollers.

Beams and "tails"

For long hair this season are relevant different types of beams and "tails." You can do a high ponytail, taking sleek straightened hair at the crown. You can ruffle the hair lightly backcomb them and attach a rubber band or barrette side. Beam can also be strict and feminine, classic, or negligent, beaten out with locks or locks.

Maria Serov

Tags: hairstyle beam