Formula clean hair

 Admit it, my entire life she has time to read, listen to and record thousands of beauty tips. And while you fight over what is better to pick a mask for your hair type, some broth and some of my grandmother's recipe Luxury enrich and strengthen hair, scientists are exploring such mundane things as basic shampoo ...

Admit it, my entire life she has time to read, listen to and record thousands of beauty tips. A good portion of acquired knowledge in this area is occupied solely tips for hair care. And while you fight over what is better to pick a mask for your hair type, some broth and some of my grandmother's recipe Luxury enrich and strengthen hair, scientists are exploring such mundane things as basic shampoo ...

"What is there to investigate ?!" - pointeresueshsya you. Besides used for hair care tools, their quality and quantity, the procedure itself shampooing few who differs from the traditional method: wet - soap - rinse. However, the results obtained by a research center, which spent six months experiment involving five hundred volunteers allowed to bring the "golden formula clean hair."

Yes, yes, it appears wet, lather and rinse well - it's not a simple ceremony, but rather, not allowing the slightest deviation complex combinations. Moreover, for each length of hair, scientists have tried to withdraw its values ​​"golden formula". So, if you care about the future of your hair, take advantage of the latest scientific discoveries ...

So the main thing - is used for washing only running water, the temperature of which must not be above or below 36, 7C. Soaping hair, keep in mind that if you are the owner of her short stylish haircut, use no more than 6 ml of shampoo. If your hair is medium length, can be excessive and 8 ml, well, at long queue can not skimp at all - all 10 ml lei!

Soaping should last at least 28 seconds and will include 20-25 "rubbing the" massage movements. And do not forget to rinse also note the time! It should last at least 22 seconds, and repeating this procedure should be twice to ensure purity of hair from the roots to the tips.

Be sure to use the air conditioner, because it is also an integral part of the "magic formula". Again estimate the length of the hair and then take the appropriate amount of - 2, 4 or 6 mL. Apply conditioner must comb with a few teeth, after which he left on the hair for 5-7 minutes. Air-conditioning in the scalp Do not rub! Wash it all the same running water temperature 36 7C for 45 seconds.

Drying her lovely curls or mischievous haircut should be a towel, but do not vzeroshivaya or "squeezing" them, and gently removing excess moisture pat. After this it is necessary to give the hair to dry naturally. No hair dryer!

Well, that's all. The arithmetic is simple, and the "formula" is perhaps not too difficult to learn. The main thing - Inventories stopwatch ... and patience.

Tags: hair formula