The Unbearable Lightness of "Dance of Delhi"

 The new film by Ivan Vyrypaeva "Dance Delhi" do its creators call "light". Bright and like to dance, he will appeal to those who will move with him to the beat.

"Dance of Delhi"-theatrical production of 7 one-act plays - with a light hand of director turned into 7 films Ivan Vyrypaeva (as designated in the intro movie format) with the same name.

Five actors play, and their characters are going through on a background of the hospital walls, covered with white tiles, suffering, happiness, love, death, lack of understanding and sympathy. They are many and deliberately theatrical talk, tried to explain, ask questions, thinking aloud.
Hospital corridor and simple bench - this scene, which takes place on all the action of the film. Camera is not interested in what happens outside this space. Closeups and unceasing conversations - the main reception of the director, who ably carries the thing that was created for the stage, screen, and as a result creates an unexpected film. Suddenly, a light and bright.
Katya (Karolina Gruszka) sits waiting. There cometh a woman (Arina Marakulina) and tells her that her mother had died. Woman tries to maintain, they talk. Comes Andrew (Igor Gordin). Converse.
The second film. Conversation with Andrew continues, then it goes away. Woman comes and tells Kate that her mother had died. The dialogue is repeated word for word ...
Each new film story unfolds in a new, but with the characters, and events, and conversations related. Viewer and humbled with this ingenious, and at the same time unpretentious drama, knocks him out from under the feet of support in the form of consistently developing plot, look, listen. A feeling that the movie is something replaced, something that is not quite a movie. Heroes always repeat what was said, trying to find clearer thought and express their views. These repetitions create rhythm in dance. The film is generally very similar to dance, although it consists of words.
One of the characters, Katya, -the world-famous dancer. She became famous thanks to his dance that came up spontaneously during a trip to New Delhi. Dance, born of pain, but unique beauty. The ability to turn the world, which became the source of love. Dance, to which the famous ballet critic can not write a review, because there are no criteria for analysis do not work here, and the impression of this product is superior to the power of its entire arsenal of professional words. In the film, discussing dance, trying to tell him, convey my feelings, but the dance itself is not. As there are no answers to the questions that is suffering, happiness, death.
All of the above - just an attempt to find meaning. Before us different concepts: Katya life - she herself, her inner world; according to her mother's life consists entirely of suffering; woman ballet critic, concerned about "alien" life that lives with "his"; Andrew oppresses sense of responsibility -before him, loved ones, to the public. Young nurse voiced the question that is somehow related to all the characters in their monologues and who, along with dance Delhi glues structure of the film. This is the theme of death - the reaction to it, causes, perpetrators, its very essence. At this time, Rhythm dispenses with knives, guns and shovels, death here is how all the familiar phenomenon. All her face anyway, you know what it is, but they understand it?
The viewer does not get hooked for a coherent story -can only follow the cues of characters, go with them to the new bundle of thoughts, turning ideas like ballerinas replace one step after the other, seeds on toes.
The director gives time to catch my breath - first, the split into seven parts, and secondly, by using humor. Young nurse, smartly played by Inna Suhoretskoy, appears on the screen at the worst possible on the subject, but at the right time to defuse the dense stream of thoughts. Third, using the beautiful music of Boris Grebenshikov, sounding at the end of each film during each time a new decorated wonderful titles.
Xenia Kutepov plays intelligent older women and women with cancer - restrained, touching on the verge of hysteria. Arina heroine Marakulin with modulated voice, burdened significance own opinion, trying to be honest, as best he can. Karolina Gruszka and Igor Gordin destined to "Dance Delhi" to play the love.
A significant part of the picture up close-ups. They held and largely thanks to them is possible a high level of penetration and sincerity. This great achievement actors who successfully coped with the work at maximum approximation.
And gradually built (in quotation marks are the names of all seven films) thought and a feeling of "every move" "inside the dance" "feel you" "calmly and carefully" "both inside and outside" "and at the beginning and the end" - " as a single dance. "
In all experiments with the design and variety of philosophical concepts in the film, he does not leave the painful feelings and does not give to the surface a clear stance. 7 films, 7 Vyrypaeva stories about the love of life is born in the final of a pleasant, bright feeling that I want to leave with you for a long time.
"Dance of Delhi" participated in the Rome Film Festival in 2012, where he was received very warmly by critics.