Santa's Secret Life

 The fact that hidden behind a good-natured smile, Santa Claus, and whether it is worth it, and above it, to believe it.

Gray-bearded Santa Claus, no matter how hard it raised questions reputation retains the image of a good and honest old man. What it's worth, we can only guess, because, as in the life of any person, in his biography, there are joyful events, and frank failure, and history, which is better to keep silent.

Some facts about Santa's film reveals to us, speaking in the role of a tabloid.
It turns out that Santa Claus has a family and a brother who is a certain irony refers to his profession. The complexity of their relationship is told in the "pages" of the film "Fred Claus" (2007).
Santa's Secret Life
Santo, as a world celebrity, always accompanied by gorgeous women.
Santa's Secret Life
"Fred Claus"
Santa's Secret Life
"Love Actually" (2003)
Santa's Secret Life
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" (2005)
As a rule, they are not only beautiful, but also talented. Know how to sing and dance.

"Mean Girls" (2004)

But they are just colleagues. In search of a life partner and lover of the case, Santa situation is not too good.

Even just a kiss without consequences is impossible. Once he got into an awkward situation when the baby saw Santa kisses his mom. Have long to rebuild damaged picture of the world of the poor child.
Santa's Secret Life
"I saw my mother kissing Santa Claus" (2002)
Fall in love, he had long sought the heart of his beloved, resorting to all kinds of tricks.

"The Perfect Holiday" (2007)

Of despair, he even tried to serve ads in the newspaper - "Single Santa wants to meet with Mrs. Claus" (2004). This film captures a touching moment when Santa makes his sweetheart offer.

Santa's Secret Life

And look happy old people when in his personal life lord Wonderland things are going well.

Santa's Secret Life"Single Santa Seeks Lifetime with Mrs. Claus"

Problems at work
But enough about the good. Life Santa Claus is not so easy and fabulous as it seems at first glance.
Singed pant legs, falling from roofs and disappearance because jokes space-time continuum - it is only a minor troubles.
Santa's Secret Life
Santa's Secret Life
"Santa Claus 3" (2006)
Health Problems
The first year of Santo concerned about the problems with being overweight, which negatively affects his career.
Santa's Secret Life
"The Simpsons" (2005)
Christmas and New Year's exhausting it so much that it comes to the intensive care unit.
Santa's Secret Life
"Family Guy" (2010)
And sometimes it can not be avoided and a nervous breakdown.
Santa's Secret Life
"Futurama" (1999)
But is it worth to blame Christmas, because sometimes Santa himself a lot affords: smokes, does not reject a glass or two of whiskey.
Santa's Secret Life
"Bad Santa" (2003)
Gets drunk and creates all sorts of lewdness.
"Jarhead" (2006)


Sometimes life brings Santa Claus to handle. Hard times he experienced back in 1987 ("Trading Places"), sank to the bottom. Miserable was on the verge of suicide.

While Santa Claus - fairy tale character, cruelty not shy away from him. What ruined your karma Santa to fall into the hands of the killer doll, is anyone's guess.

Santa's Secret Life
"Seed of Chucky" (2004)

Legends and rumors

Some sources say that Santa Claus is not no innocent grandfather, but he was still a maniac. Raised from the dead, he breaks into pieces of deer and is able to lift the ears of the whole city. Especially if you want to sell it.

Santa's Secret Life

"Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale" (2009)

Trouble with the law

Or, tired of doing good to people, he suddenly decided to commit a crime - conceives rob a supermarket.

Santa's Secret LifeFrom the discussion accomplices plan a robbery. "Ho Ho Ho" (2009)

New New Year
But as long as we can have peace of mind. According to recent reports, Santa Claus this year, was engaged exclusively in his image - he let us down and made a tattoo-sleeve, max.
Santa's Secret Life
"Keepers of Dreams" (2012)