Love and umbrellas

 Raining - it is necessary to buy an umbrella. Which do you choose? In the mind of a joke pops adjective "Cherbourg". How could still do not see the "Umbrellas of Cherbourg"! This is an urgent need to fix it.

Young Genevieve (Catherine Deneuve) - the girl in the truest sense of the word. The mere description of a lovely young actress for this role which has become a landmark and was the beginning of a successful career in film, can make the whole text. Smoothly combed hair, smooth, always painted face, perfectly ironed, sitting right on the figure clothes. Open, naive view, flowing movement, a pleasant voice. Almost always there with a girl her mother, very elegant Madame Emery (Anne Vernon), the quintessential woman.

Love and umbrellas

Lovely tea sets, jewelry, unusual wallpaper on the walls of rooms - in flowers and stripes - and store umbrellas. This is a world of two women entourage carefree life to which they are accustomed, and mother wants her daughter Genevieve, but with difficulty, with no experience, support in the same way - now, after the death of her husband.

Mother thinks about the welfare of her daughter, and she, seventeen (how strange!) And love every free minute runs on a date with a car mechanic from which constantly smells like gasoline. Naturally, the recognition of Genevieve in her love for Guy (Nino Castelnuovo) Madame Emery, as expected the girl said that she had gone mad. Of course, it is against.

Love and umbrellas

Young people are in love, they overwhelmed with feelings, they are planning a wedding and picked the name for my daughter. But dreams interrupted by conscription - Guy goes into the army for two years.

Love and umbrellas

In a touching unearthly music of Michel Legrand accompanies the film. By the way, it's a musical. This is, however, forget - so organically told (sung) history. There are no individual solos, stylistically foreign inclusions, elements of the show. The story is told smoothly and gently, so as not to disturb the image of sincere and pure first love.

Heart breaks tune then in quite a different genre and format will accompany the saddest episode of the cartoon Futurama - episode with a dog. But this is a digression.

Lyrics abound in the film, but he could not get the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 1964, if there was only a one dimensional tale of unrequited love.

It has been almost 50 years since the creation of the painting, but today the consciousness of the characters and the determination to take responsibility for their own choices in their ability to love passionately, commands respect. They are happy, burn, dream, yearn, suffer, but a lot of thinking and remain faithful to the end of their way of life. Integrity of character - a sign of the time when the movie was created. But their problems are always relevant.

In the picture is put a few right questions, and in general it is positive. How to keep a sense of the image of the beloved apart? Whom to choose: the one who loves, cares, and can ensure the future is near, or the person to whom the soul seeks, but who can not promise anything? What to prefer: a familiar and comfortable lifestyle, or the need and difficulties, but next to a favorite? Do listen to the opinion of the senior? How to pull myself together when life seems broken and meaningless? Is it possible to truly love someone you chose, because he or she suits you? Have a first love? It is simple and at the same time the most difficult in the world issues that anyway faced by all and decide differently.

Guy and Genevieve in a fairly young age to be prioritized. He decides to live life with a woman who suits him. The choice that makes Genevieve allow it at the end of the film, sincerely or not - is another question,call themselves happy.

Love and umbrellas

The most interesting thing - feelings of the character details of their love story, beautiful singing - remained outside the text, in themselves "Umbrellas of Cherbourg", a film with a naive but not stupid heart.