Mascots characters

 The connection between the symbol and the result of its impact on human inexplicable, but her presence again and again finds confirmation in everyday life. In any case, the mascot suits your zodiac sign will emphasize not only your typical sign of quality, but also your individuality!

Aries 21.03 - 20.04
Aries considered talismans diamond (diamond) and ruby.

Diamond - the most expensive and beautiful precious stone. It is a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, victory over pain and illness. Diamond tames the fury and lust, gives confidence and strength. This stone attributed miraculous features and extraordinary strength. He brings good luck in all things, protects from diseases and wounds, gives courage and bravery in battle, protects against the evil eye and evil spells, provides health, prosperity and long life. If the hand of a woman a diamond, it is easily resolved during childbirth. He who wears a diamond can not be afraid of lightning strikes - his eyes are protected from injury, drives and dreams and bad dreams. As a talisman jewel worn on the left arm or neck, but the frame should not prevent stone touch the skin - then it enhances its effect. The stone has a favorable effect in the event that it is presented or he finds an old, t.e. he came to the holder of an honest way. Otherwise, it brings great misfortune.

Rubin - beautiful red stone with a purple sheen, symbolizing the ardent and passionate love. Brings happiness in love; one who wants to achieve reciprocity - should give ruby-colored flame his handpicked. Everyone wear a ruby ​​hanging form - is to be the great among people worthy of their respect. Rubin makes a good person even kinder, evil turns into a real villain, and a noble and courageous person wearing this stone to be winning and perform feats. Stores by lightning and floods, poisoning toxins. Rubin attributed properties to stop bleeding from wounds and save epilepsy, clean the air, contaminated with germs of epidemic diseases, drive away evil spirits. Ruby tends to darken - means the owner is threatened.

Taurus 21.04 - 20.05
People born under the sign of Taurus, favor stones heavenly colors - turquoise and sapphire.

Turquoise - blue gemstone. Considered a talisman that helps in matters of the heart. It is a symbol of true love and unchanged. Brings happiness and brings spouses. If a woman wants to attract its chosen man, she should quietly sew a piece of turquoise in his clothes. This stone is considered suitable for girls under the age of 20 years and women older than 30 years (married and unmarried) should abandon rings and jewelry with turquoise. Turquoise brings all the hostility, quarreling ceases establishes peace in the family. It gives wealth. However, this stone brings bad luck to those people who do not respect the moral precepts, angry.
The stone has healing properties: turquoise set in silver, helps those who suffer from insomnia or nightmares, tempers bleeding, reduces suffering, suffering from jaundice. Contemplation of turquoise in the morning improves vision. Turquoise tend to "die" in danger and in the hands of the sick person. If the stone in a ring donated pale, so heartfelt location darivshego decreased.

Sapphire - beautiful gem stone of fidelity, chastity and modesty. This mascot lovers and honeymooners, and is also considered "the mascot of the wise." Stone excites thirst for knowledge, enhances memory, strengthens prudence and discretion. Protects against slander and envy, cures melancholy, happy feelings, attracts the mercy of fate and the sympathy of others. Sapphire is a stone of seafarers - helps prevent shipwrecks and cause the desired wind. Sapphire removes treachery, gives strength to the weary man. People suffering from heart disease, asthma and neuralgia, it is recommended to wear on the left hand ring or bracelet with sapphire.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06
Stones are considered Gemini agate, chrysoprase and beryl.

Agate - semiprecious stones, stones of various colors. Wearing agate on the left hand makes it possible to overcome the irritability, backbiting. Save us from the evil eye, poisons, and many other misfortunes. Gives the owner not only strength, but eloquence, sharpens vision, quenches thirst and even repels storms and hurricanes. This stone may be worn during mourning. It is recommended to wear agate beads with chronic cough and sore throat and teeth.

Chrysoprase - stone bluish-green, apple green, grass-green or emerald green. Considered as the best mascot for business people. Stone set in gold, protects against fraudulent contacts hazards shopping trips and material damage. Considered to remedy the evil eye, envy and slander. Gives peace of mind. Helps with nervous diseases, eye diseases.

Beryl. Stone blue bring happiness in matters of the heart, favors the permanence of the senses. Makes a person cheerful, cheerful and friendly.

Twins should avoid ornaments of jade.

Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
Talismans people born under the sign of Cancer, are moonstone, emerald, pearls and a variety of chrysoberyl called "cat's eye".

Moonstone - symbolizes the magical power of the lunar fields, so it is considered the most suitable amulet for people born during a full moon, and for those born on Monday - the day "controlled" moon. Stone helps in love affairs, helps to overcome the obstacles to happiness; in a difficult position helps to make sound decisions; gives the gift of eloquence and persuasion. It is recommended to wear a moonstone in silver with nervous disorders.

Emerald - a gem. Stone is able to discover the secrets of the future and to enlighten the mind of the owner. Release from depression and hypochondria, drives away bad dreams, rescues from insidiousness of love fever, leprosy, strengthens the heart, removes the bitterness saves from seizures and evil spirits. Stone is a powerful talisman, curative for sight, means from stings of venomous animals. It is a stone of wisdom, equanimity and hope. Anyone who is constantly emerald, becomes long-lived, always in a good mood. Stone set in gold, protects from evil love spells, of infidelity and lies.

Those born under the sign of Cancer should beware of lapis lazuli, onyx, garnet.

Leo 23.07 - 23.08
Lions suitable stones yellow: amber, beryl, topaz and peridot.

Amber - attributed miraculous power of curing many diseases (skin, throat, rheumatic fever), protection from spells and the evil eye. Stops choking, palpitations and bleeding. If a pregnant woman wearing an amber necklace, it is easy to give birth. Brings health and strength infants. If you put raw pieces of amber under the pillow or hang at the head, they help with insomnia.

Peridot - a beautiful semiprecious stone is yellowish-green. Brings restful sleep, drives away nightmares; treats stuttering. Rimmed in gold, strengthens the spiritual forces of the holder and enables the prediction of the future. Therefore, gold rings with this stone often wore astrologers and soothsayers.

Olivine - provides sympathy of others and good luck in business, keep the property from fire and theft.

Topaz - yellow transparent stone. Helps to curry favor with the authorities; brings wealth. It is a stone amulet for traveling on a long journey. Contributes to the pacification of sea storms. His influence is allows you to see the enemy's intentions to solve ill-wishers and suggests the right advice in business. Cures asthma, gout, insomnia. Tames rage and calms the passions, grant wisdom to men and women - fertility.

Virgo 24.08 - 23.09
Virgos bring happiness jade and carnelian. To these stones-talismans had the greatest force, they should be framed in silver or platinum, but not in gold.

Jade - green, opaque "stone of life." Enhances vitality, protects against disease and helps migraine, kidney and liver, improve eyesight; brings good luck in gambling, gives victory runners at the Olympic Games; protects against the evil eye. Protects against lightning strikes and encourages others to be faithful to its owner.

Carnelian - opaque gemstone red, reddish-brown, greenish or white color. Protects against the risk of an earthquake to be crushed. Muslims legend says: "Who is in a ring carnelian, he constantly is in prosperity and joy. Wear ring with carnelian, because he truly banish poverty!" Gives shine and beauty of the skin fresh; cures toothache; beats black magic and protects against ill; gives courage and helps in secrecy; stores from indigestion and fever; stops bleeding and soothes anger. Soothes intense anger, palpitation, contributes to the favorable response of the other person for a particular request. Carnelian removes evil spirits, protects against witchcraft, leads away from quarrels, sharpens the mind. This stone is better straighten in silver.

Libra 24.09 - 23.10
Libra is best suited opal and lapis lazuli.

Opal - shimmering, iridescent glow gem. Protects against plague. As a talisman, guarantees success in all your endeavors, but only on condition that its owner - a gentleman who managed to resist the selfishness and desire for wealth. And people are fickle, with an unstable character should beware of this stone. Brings the gift of prophecy. Opals owners attributed the ability to telepathically influence on the minds of the people around them. People with overwrought nerves are not advised to wear this stone. By the way, to give opal is not recommended: it evokes a feeling of envy giver. He is the stone of hope and faithfulness. Symbolizes betrayal and kapriz.S Renaissance in Europe spread belief that "iridescent stones" in gold jinxed.

Lapis - stone softens the impact of this weakness, often inherent to those born under this sign - the lack of consistency, variability in friendship and love. It is recommended to wear a necklace with lapis lazuli for people suffering from skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

People born under the sign of Libra, is not recommended onyx.

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11
The stones of this sign of the zodiac - aquamarine, coral and garnet. Chief mascot - a ring or a bracelet in the shape of a snake.

Aquamarine - a beautiful, clear, greenish-blue stone. This amulet happy conjugal unions, mutual love and respect. Aquamarine draws its owner thought to those who gave it. He is a professional mascot sailors: provides security in travel and victory in the sea battles. Aquamarine is endowed with the ability to calm the storms of passion and cool. Cures diseases of the throat and teeth, and suffering from these ailments is best to wear a necklace of aquamarines set in silver.

Coral - protects against the evil eye, stores lightning, repels demons and drives away the temptation. Facilitates the healing of wounds and ulcers, including internal. Strengthens memory. This is a great mascot for the fortune-tellers.

Pomegranate - a semiprecious stone, which exists in several varieties, differing in color - from dark red to yellow. This stone is a symbol of heart feelings, love and friendship. Ring with garnet presented as proof of friendship, memory, thanks. These stones is credited with healing properties: help at a high temperature, inflammation of the throat and persistent headaches. If the grenades do not shoot, it is believed that it provides to its owner in a good mood and cheerful and happy thoughts. This stone is considered a talisman of lovers and it is also called "stone of honesty." Stolen grenades on belief jinxed.

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
Sagittarius stones - amethyst, topaz and beryl.

Amethyst - bring luck in hunting and sports. Protects from drunkenness; a man with a ring on his finger with this stone, can not be afraid that drink otumanit his mind. Amethyst can cause love to give, old love replaces the indifference and the heart opens up to new love. Woman betrothed or married should beware if their favorite product is presented with this stone. Stone brings good luck, peace and blessing, calms nervous disorders, settle feuds. Amethyst, regardless of age, sex and social status is considered a lucky stone for all those born under the sign of Sagittarius. It is believed that if the cut on the stone sign of the moon or the sun, he rescues from poisoning. Widows and widowers who are not going to marry again, amethyst are a sign of eternal love for the departed from the life of the spouses. In connection with this stone is a symbol of faithful, devoted love and is called "widow's stone".

Topaz - yellow transparent stone. Helps to curry favor with the authorities; brings wealth. It is a stone amulet for traveling on a long journey. Contributes to the pacification of sea storms. His influence allows you to see the enemy's intentions to solve ill-wishers and suggests the right advice in business. Cures asthma, gout, insomnia. Tames rage and calms the passions, grant wisdom to men and women - fertility.

Peridot - a beautiful semiprecious stone is yellowish-green. Brings restful sleep, drives away nightmares; treats stuttering. Rimmed in gold, strengthens the spiritual forces of the holder and enables the prediction of the future. Therefore, gold rings with this stone often wore astrologers and soothsayers.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius, should not wear jewelry made of jade.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
Born under the sign of Capricorn will be able to easily move the vicissitudes of changing fortune, if there will be their mascot: purple ruby, dark onyx or malachite green.

Rubin - beautiful red stone with a purple sheen. Brings happiness in love; one who wants to achieve reciprocity should give ruby-colored flame his handpicked. Wear a ruby ​​in a limbo - it means to be great among people worthy of their respect. Rubin makes a good person even kinder, evil turns into a real villain, and a noble and courageous person wearing this stone, wins the victory and makes the feat. Stores by lightning and floods, poisoning toxins. Rubin attributed properties to stop bleeding from wounds and save epilepsy, clean the air, contaminated with germs of epidemic diseases, drive away evil spirits. Ruby tends to darken - means the owner is threatened.

Onyx - semi-precious "stone leaders" brown or blackish. Gives the owner the power over others; clarifies the mind and allows you to enter the plans of political opponents; enhances memory and protects from sudden death and attempted to life. Risky for marital happiness to give his wife onyx beads, if the husband does not agree to be "under the thumb". Onyx, set in silver, cure heart disease and insomnia, gives the desire to live and banishes dark thoughts.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn should beware of lapis lazuli.

Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
Aquarius bring happiness grenades and zircon.

Pomegranate - a semiprecious stone, which exists in several varieties, differing in color - from dark red to yellow. This stone is a symbol of heart feelings, love and friendship. Ring with garnet presented as proof of friendship, memory, thanks. These stones is credited with healing properties: help at a high temperature, inflammation of the throat and persistent headaches. If the grenades do not shoot, it is believed that it provides to its owner in a good mood and cheerful and happy thoughts. This stone is considered a talisman of lovers and it is also called "stone of honesty." Stolen grenades on belief jinxed.

Zircon - a rare gem clear that the east is called - "the younger brother of the diamond." It improves mental ability, raises the pursuit of science and to the knowledge of the truth, enhances memory and increases intelligence. Zircons bluish color is the mascot of travelers - deter wild animals and protect from snakebites.

Pisces 21.02 - 20.03
Stones shall be considered as pearls, amethyst.

Pearls - blednorozovaty (off the coast of India), silver and yellow (in the waters of Sri Lanka), light green (Sea of ​​Japan), white (in Australia), black (Gulf of Mexico), pinkish-red (Gulf of California) stone. Pearls promotes prosperity and longevity, brings happiness. He adds shine and protects the eyes from the pangs of unrequited love, protects against the "evil eye", gives the ability to foresee the future. Ring with pearl guard against thieves and dishonest transactions.

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