Vedic astrology success

 When it comes to family happiness, the psychologists recommend to identify the reasons that caused the problem, or even a break in the family.

Reflecting on family happiness, psychologists are always looking for causes of problems in young families and try to help find a way out. Professor Barbara Kerr of the University of Kansas conducted a detailed analysis of the way of life in happy families strong. According to the research she was able to identify several key features of the well-being of the family.

In happy families focuses not on material values, career or a particular social aspect, but to build their own vision and conception of life, according to the "rules" that are trying to live both parents and children.

Family members get together every day and share important news. Clear and strict rules of conflict resolution is not - the main thing is mutual respect and the ability to listen to each other. In any difficult situation is critical support any grievances expressed aloud, and any conflicts - often solved by joint efforts.

Both parents work and are often engaged in creative activities in their free time. Children never surround excessive care, providing the opportunity to develop yourself and learn to make decisions without the help of adults.

Each family member has the right to freedom and personal space, and he always has the opportunity to be alone. At the same time, happy families, children and parents often spend time together, because they feel comfortable with each other.

All these features have been confirmed by many examples of strong families, and anyone who cares about the welfare of the family may try to apply these simple "rules" and see what happens.

Tags: success, astrology