Horoscope of beauty and attractiveness for October 2007

 In order to properly care for your skin and restore her lost beauty, youth and health, it is necessary to take into account the position of the moon. This knowledge is necessary to effectively use modern means of cosmetology.

Horoscope and concise recommendations for the care of their appearance.
1 - 10, October 27-30, easier to get rid of what bothers you, such as acne, acne, freckles, age spots and other defects, as these days are good for fighting cellulite. These days, your skin will be set to purification.
From 11 to 26 October saturate your skin with nutrients. Moisturizing and nourishing creams and masks skin will accept with pleasure and will extract the maximum benefit from them. Especially for this purpose, 18 favorable, 19 October, when the Moon enters the constellation of Capricorn, but cosmetic surgery these days can not produce - scars will remain.
Horoscope and diet.
If you want to lose weight, you should know a waning moon (1 - 10, 27-30 October) in your diet twice would be more fruitful to lose extra pounds of weight than the rest of the time.
Lunar manicure, pedicure, nail care - is best done on Fridays after sunset, the most perfect day on Oct. 19, when Friday coincides with the Moon in Capricorn.

Horoscope for 1, 2 October.
It is not recommended at this time to do manicures, pedicures, gel and other build artificial nails, plucking eyebrows.
This position of the Moon favors for short-term starvation, purging, various exercises for the muscles of the face. This period is ideal for water treatments, visit Russian baths and saunas. If necessary, a correction may be the form of chin and aurikuloplastika. Particularly effective are treatments aimed at rejuvenating the skin.

Horoscope for 3, 4 October.
Prohibited cosmetic breast surgery. Period is favorable for plastic surgery of the face. Women of all characters is recommended to use only soft cosmetics. Prohibited in these days to do deep cleansing facial, because possible microtrauma of the skin. Remove warts is also impossible.

Horoscope for 5, 6, 7 October.
Eliminate the sauna, steam room, solarium. Mowing will be favorable for the growth of thick and healthy hair. Steam bath and deep cleansing facial is strictly prohibited. Not recommended as fight with moles, warts and skin roughness, bleach freckles. But plastic surgery to correct the shape of the chin, removing wrinkles and fat in the neck and hips in these days will be well. Permitted lifting, peeling, physiotherapy. When facial skin care cosmetics recommended by his grandmother's recipes from natural products. For example, with honey, chamomile extract, mint, tarragon, and wheat germ.
October 5 opportune time for a manicure and pedicure.

Horoscope on 8 October 9.
Good time for skin care and nail care. Good day for cutting hair: long hair retain shape. Plastic surgery on the abdominal area is prohibited. Favorable all cleaning procedures, baths, aromatherapy and phytotherapy. Sufficient load can give your legs do the contrasting pouring thighs. During the day, it is desirable to diversify the means to care for the skin: the morning - use cosmetic milk, nourishing cream, day - special gel or day cream, night - a variety of lotions, tonics and masks. Favorable different procedures with feet.

Horoscope for 10, 11, 12 of October.
If the previous days were favorable to prepare for plastic correction of face and neck, but now you can proceed directly to the transactions. Moon promises painless rehabilitation period and a good result. Restore damaged eyebrows, eyelashes, capacity and hair transplant is also a concern. And be sure to make a body massage. Thanks to him, improve metabolism in the skin, it becomes more supple, soft and silky.
October 12 very good time for a manicure, pedicure, nail care.

Horoscope on 13 October 14.
Take care of the skin of his body. Of all cosmetic procedures is best to give preference to massages, body wraps and wiping. But the skin of the breast and cleavage better yet leave it alone - massage, mask and compresses it now absolutely contraindicated.

Horoscope for 15, 16, 17 October.
Effective days to combat cellulite, good massage problem areas twice a day in combination with toning oil or special cosmetics. Exclude tattoo, solarium and sauna. These days especially sensitive and vulnerable are the spine and hips, so not recommended for cosmetic surgery these areas. Also, undesirable operations on the face: there is a risk of facial nerve injury.
For cosmetic masks women of all characters is recommended to use natural fat ingredients - olive oil, egg yolks.

Horoscope for 18, 19 October.
Not recommended for cosmetic surgery, dentistry. This lunar period for hair removal, tattoo removal and application, ear piercing, the treatment of inflammation of the skin, deep cleansing facial and termoliftinga. Effective treatments that improve skin texture - peeling, wrinkles, resurfacing of scars, subcutaneous injections of collagen and mesotherapy.
October 19th, do not miss this day, he is the best in this month for manicure, pedicure and nail care.

Horoscope for 20, 21, 22 October.
Procedures for enhancing the regeneration of the skin at the time of no use, the majority of plastic surgery will have a positive result.
Will be successful treatment of inflammation and cracks in the skin of feet. Resolved dental surgery, removal of tumors, pedicure, manicure, permanent makeup.
Bring a significant benefit of anti-stress mask and balms for the face, soothing herbal teas, vitamins A, C and E, citrus fruit in the form of face masks and creams, which include silicon.

Horoscope for 23, 24 October.
If you want to get rid of the hair on the upper lip, do it these days, the removal of the hair will become thinner and slower growing. The same applies to the hair in any other sensitive areas. Prohibited in these days to remove ingrown toenails, take a deep peeling.
To clean the skin, it is desirable to use only a mild detergent - gels, body milk, oatmeal or a slice of cucumber. Good will act moisturizers for the face and body, extracts of medicinal herbs in the form of warm compresses or steam baths.

Horoscope on 25 October 26.
Exclude dentistry, you can not have your ears pierced. Plastic surgery on the face are prohibited, otherwise serious complications posleoperatsionnnyh not be avoided. It is not recommended to do a perm and lightened hair. You can make beauty treatments aimed at deep cleansing of the epidermis, the removal of warts and warts, the result is excellent. It was at this time the body's tissues are experiencing acute anoxia, so massage and air baths are very helpful.
October 26 very good time for a manicure, pedicure, nail care.

Horoscope on 27 October 28.
You can not have your ears pierced. Unfavorable time for plastic surgery on the neck and chin, and in general any cosmetic manipulation of the neck and chin.
Permitted plastic surgery for fat on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Well painted hair blonde, tweeze eyebrows, lip contour to tattoo.
Most effective at this time will be greasy creams with active biological components - their skin is perfectly assimilated.

Horoscope for 29, 30 October.
Favorable all types of skin cleansing, hydrotherapy, Russian and Turkish bath, Finnish sauna. Plus different kinds of exercises for the muscles of the face. If you've always thought about the shape of the chin correction - to solve. The same applies to anti-aging treatments. Of cosmetic products for skin care is better to use light moisturizing and nourishing creams with herbal extracts and bioactive supplements. Manicures and pedicures in this period is best done only hardware. And no artificial nails!

Horoscope for October 31st.
Prohibited cosmetic breast surgery. Period is favorable for plastic surgery of the face. Women of all characters is recommended to use only soft cosmetics. Prohibited in these days to do deep cleansing facial, because possible microtrauma of the skin. Remove warts is also impossible.

Tags: beauty, horoscope, October attraction