Fashion horoscope. August

 Ends with the spring-summer season and will begin soon on JustLady reviews autumn-winter 2008/09. That's why last year horoscope you and I will discuss it today. Let's learn how to dress the stars advise us in the last month of summer.

Aries. 21.03 - 20.04

August will be for Aries restless. But all efforts will be pleasant for you.
On the first place there is the business sphere - the new proposals, beginning their own business or a new project may start a family business. You will be very interesting this month.
Do not forget about your health. And as strange as it sounds in the summer, special attention should be paid to assist the body with vitamins.

Best Buy in August for you to be comfortable and practical thing. For example - the new jeans. Everything else you already have.

Taurus. 21.04 - 21.05

Your vacation is over, the trip has flown by quickly and you again it's time to go back to business. Perhaps you did not have enough vacation and you do not feel fully rested.
Do not worry, the stars for you good news. This month you manage to combine all topics that interest you. Business issues and personal life will be in need for you to harmony.

And to extend the feeling of summer - buy a dress with a bright ornament.

Twins. 22.05 - 21.06

The main task for the Twins in August - not torn apart between everything that interests them.
We'll have to make yourself a daily schedule to catch everything. Then you will have time to chat with friends, and resume exercise, and perform all the ideas associated with changes in the interior of your doma.K end of the month in the first place will work issues, which need to solve a very busy pace.

Going on a shopping Pay special attention to accessories. Bags, shoes, belts, scarves and purses will be the best for you and the acquisition of this month.

Crayfish. 22.06 - 23.07

The first half of the month will be held at the Cancer in the work and worry. You have set a new goal and will surely achieve it, but will have to make a lot of effort. At the end of the month there will come a quiet and peaceful time, and you can take the time to communicate with friends and family. How ever you will appreciate Vacation vacation may surprise you to prepare home there.

Flying bullet shopping necessarily linger at the window in which to see "those" shoes. And then go to a boutique and buy them! You deserve it.

Leo. 24.07 - 23.08

What can I say - August is your month. All that you take will turn out you easily and effortlessly. As if by magic, the stars will fulfill all your desires. Take advantage of this. When you go to choose a gift on birthday - do not limit yourself. Arguments about the practicality of clothes, leave the house and buy a cocktail dress.

Virgo. 24.08 - 21.09

Virgo Star advised to attend to himself personally. Those who decided to do our own inner world, much has been achieved. All will do you good - spiritual practices, meditation sessions with a psychologist. Give yourself time to re-evaluate their actions, understanding of the future and the construction of a clear plan.

In the wardrobe is also better not to make revolutions. Best Buy this month will be quiet loose tunic or dress.

Libra. 22.09 - 23.10

August will be not the easiest month for Libra. Much of what is happening, puts you into a dead end. If you are confused and unsure how to do it, do not rush to consult with all her friends. The answer is within you, but it will go and find almost all of this month. One way or another, but the situation will normalize in September.

To distract myself, for shopping note the bright beautiful things - evening clutches and jewelry.

Scorpio. 24.10 - 22.11

Well rested Scorpio gets down to business. August will be for you one of the most active business months of the year. If you receive an offer that will open you to have extra income to the basic salary - safely take it, you will succeed.

And be sure to buy a beautiful bag, you can not afford it.

Sagittarius. 23.11 - 21.12

Congratulations! You have finally decided to put their dreams into reality. Even if everything around you surprised and convince you of unreality your designs - stars on your side.
Of course, all your efforts will take a lot of strength, you will be tired in the evening and just fall into bed, but sleep you'll be happy. Do not be afraid to take the chance.

And confidence will give a new dress.

Capricorn. 22.12 - 19.01

All thoughts of Capricorn in August about the money. You come up with new schemes earnings, considering interesting projects and proposals, pretends that has taken on the way to your goal.
You will work a lot, so beware of stressful situations. As soon as possible or go to every weekend vacation vacation, last summer sun bring you joy and relaxation.

Going to take a look at clothes shopping to relax, at least to forget about him.

Aquarius. 20.01 - 19.02

The main theme for August Aquarius will be the relationship with my boyfriend. Most of the time you will spend with a spouse or friend. All the time you will be able to devote myself personally, you are thinking about a new project. Think again, not whether this project will be a failure?

If you have time for shopping - buying bags is the best present themselves.

Fish. 20.02 - 20.03

Do not you think that you have shouldered the burdens? Cases too much time to himself and his family did not remain. Try to correct the situation, otherwise it will lead you to feeling constant fatigue and sadness.

Begin to please myself this weekend - buy new clothes.

Tags: August